MATRIXSYNTH: bubblesound LFO

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

bubblesound LFO

via bubblesound via muff's forum:

6 outputs: Square, Pulse, Sine, Triangle, Saw and a Shaped Sine.
Range: Low - 30 minutes-25hZ, High - 30 seconds-900hZ
1 1V/oct input
Sync In and Out
Triangle core
2 FM inputs, switchable between Linear and Expo
Pulse Width and Sine Shaper Modulation attenuated inputs
14HP wide

the Sine Shaper is a non-linear shaping circuit and you can view it in action here

sine shaper demo from bubblesound instruments on Vimeo.

I'll be posting longer videos and audio of it actually doing stuff shortly, but it's much easier to just see the Sine Shaper doing it's thing than trying to describe it.

the uLFO has just about everything in it we want from an LFO, but if we've missed something feel free to jump in. We're looking to deliver our first shipment of these around early July, maybe a little sooner if our panels get done faster. And the uLFO should retail for somewhere around $160-180."

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