MATRIXSYNTH: New Mattson Mini Modular Modules

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Mattson Mini Modular Modules

Click the images for the full size.

Utility 1
Voltage Controlled Mixer
Aux Power Control
4x Gate Delay
Amplitude Follower

Be sure to see the official MMM Wiki for more modules, and of course see Ichabod for Billy Corgan's Custom MMM.

More info on each module to follow.

4x Gate Delay
"The 4X Gate Delay serves as a gate generating module. If minimum delay is selected, it can be used as a four-gate multiple.

The gate delay responds to an external gate and generates four gates. Each gate output can be delayed independently.

The "gate in" is sort of mis-labeled. A CV can be utilized, such as a 1V/O keyboard voltage, the Level Adj can be used to determine at what point the gate delay process will begin. You can set it to not generate any gates until a specific key or above has been played. As soon as a key lower than the set level is played, all gates drop. If the input drops before the set delay time is reached, the gate for that channel won't be generated and the delay sequence is reset for the next delay process.

Gate in: Input for an external gate or CV

Level Adj: Sets the level that a CV input will start the delay sequence.On the Mattson Modular, If a gate is used as an input, the gate voltage is higher (+15V) than any preset level and will work automatically without having to re-adjust the level. It also allows for lower level gates (+5V, +10V) from other systems to be converted to a +15V gate.

Gate on LED: Indicates that a gate is present or a CV input has reached the level to initiate the output delay sequence.

Delay: Sets the amount of time that the gate output will be delayed after the delay sequence is initiated.

Red LED: Indicates that the delay time has been reached and the delayed gate output is active on that channel.

Out (1-4): The channel delayed gate outputs."

Amplitude Follower
"The Amplitude Follower allows for an external signal, such as a microphone or guitar pickup, to be used as a source for generating control voltages that can be used to control parameters of other modules.

Audio in: Input jack for the external source. Microphone, guitar, etc.

Gain: Control to amplify the external source

Peak LED:Lights when the amplified signal reaches 5VDC. It is not a "clipping" indicator. It can amplify the input signal higher than 5VDC. 5VDC is the level that most envelope generators use and most VCA's respond to. It allows as an indicator that the signal is optimized for the rest of the system.

Preamp out: Output jack for patching the amplified signal to audio inputs.

Gate Threshold Allows you to set the point where the external signal will generate a gate output.

Gate on LED:Provides a visual reference for when the external signal has reached the selected threshold level and has generated a gate voltage.

Gate out: Output jack for the gate signal

Delay:Allows for "smoothing" of the output signals. At the minimum setting, the output voltages follow the loudness of the external signal. The louder you play or sing, the higher the output voltage. The reverse is true. The output voltage will follow the input signal loudness virtually instantaneously. The delay allows for the voltage to drop more slowly than the input signal.

+Output: Output jack for the variable control voltage responding to the loudness of the input signal.

Inv output: An inverted vesion of the +Output CV. If one is going higher, the other is going lower."


  1. DAMN! George is truly the mad scientist in that lab...looks like this quiet time has really been put to use.

  2. Are those face plates brown?

  3. awesome. he's making such a complete system.

  4. They are black. It's just the lighting in the shots.

  5. I wonder if that's the sequencer he was telling me about a while back.


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