MATRIXSYNTH: A100 Motorik rhythm

Monday, July 13, 2009

A100 Motorik rhythm

A100 Motorik rhythm from Peter Speer on Vimeo.

"I wanted to use our still-new Doepfer A-118 Noise source in a drum pattern. This is the result.

Here's the patch:

The envelope generator on the Moog Rogue is set to auto-trigger itself.

The Audio Out from the Moog Rogue is sent to the Symmetrical input on the A-119 External Input, only to trigger its Gate output (the Audio Out on the 119 is not used).

The Gate Out from the A-119 is sent to a multiple, and from there to:

1. The Trig. In on an A-160 Clock Divider
2. The Gate In on an A-140 Envelope Generator

The /4 output on the 160 is triggering a Boss Dr. Pad (Snare 1 setting). The output from the Dr. Pad is sent to the mixer (off screen).

The /8 output on the 160 is triggering the first envelope on the A-143-1 Complex Envelope Generator (set to Attack-Decay mode) the output of which is opening the bottom VCA on the A-132-3 Dual VCA. The output on the bottom VCA is sent to a mixer (off screen).

The CP2 gate out on the 143-1's second channel (set to LFO mode) is patched to the CV In on an A-150 Dual Voltage Controlled Switch (here acting as a VCA). The output of the 150 is send to the mixer (off screen).

The triangle output from a Plan B ELF LFO is sent to a Frostwave Resonator's input, the output of which is connected to a Frostwave Blue Ringer. The Ringer's output is patched to the Input on the upper 132-3 VCA; the output of the upper VCA is sent to the mixer (off screen).

The White Noise output from the 118 is sent to the In 2 input on an A-196 Phase Locked Loop. The Phase Comp. Output from the 196 is sent to the first Input on the A-150. The second input is left unpatched.

The Colored Noise output from the 118 is sent to the Input on the bottom 132-3 VCA.

The first output on the 140 is opening the upper 132-3 VCA.

The second output on the 140 is sent to a multiple, and from there to:

1. the Low Pass Frequency CV In the Resonator
2. to an attenuator, and then to the CV In on the Ringer

I think that's everything. Two A-118 noise channels, one Dr. Pad channel and one M37-->filter-->ring modulator channel. Panned for stereo but otherwise no outboard effects used."

A-118 Noise from Peter Speer on Vimeo.

"I could listen to this all day!

We just got a Doepfer A-118 Noise and Random Voltage module. It's great!!

In this patch, the Colored output from the 118 is being fed into a channel on the A-132-3 VCA. The Random Voltage output from the 118 is being multed and sent to:

A. the Gate In on a A-140 Envelope Generator (the output of which is opening the VCA)

B. the Trigger In on an A-160 Clock Divider (the /4 and /32 outputs are sending CV to the two halves of an A-150 Dual Voltage Controlled Switch, strictly for blinkenlights purposes)

C. the CP3 In on an A-143-1 Complex Envelope Generator (the Mix Out of which is modulating the Low Pass Frequency on a Frostwave Resonator)

The output from the VCA is sent to the Audio In on a Frostwave Resonator filter; the Resonator is sent into a Frostwave Blue Ringer ring modulator; the output from the Blue Ringer is sent to a mixer, and from there to the computer.

The audio sync is a hair off. Please accept my apologies.

We recommend the A-118. I'm already finding it to be more useful than I'd anticipated!"


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