MATRIXSYNTH: BugBrand CTL1 - Touch Panel v2

Monday, July 27, 2009

BugBrand CTL1 - Touch Panel v2

YouTube via BugBrand. audio comes in at :31
"Here's an overview of the newly updated CTL1 Touch Panel - one of the most unique and fun parts of the BugBrand Modular system.

The initial idea came from an article published in Synapse Magazine in the 70s, but that is now a distant relative of this module. The 1st version was fun - with two 'Preset' rows, 'Pressure' CV outputs etc - but before production I wanted to update things a bit. The little update turned into a full rebuild!

It is now based on a kind of Sequencing core (uses the 4516 chip - tech geeks) - the Touch & Preset part still behaves the same (though has different circuitry) but this now has the great addition of four step sequencing - play it forwards or backwards, at seq. rates or at audio rates. This thing is versatile and FUN.

For further information check the BugBrand Modular site ( and the BugBrand Blog ("

Update: see the post on the BugBrand blog for images and more.


  1. Matrix - you are too damn quick! I've not even blogged this yet myself!
    Cheers though!


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