MATRIXSYNTH: Suzanne Ciani Synth Commercials

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Suzanne Ciani Synth Commercials

GE Dishwasher Production Session

YouTube via SuzanneCiani. NED Synclavier. Note the Buchla in the background.

You might remember this video from this prior post on Suzanne Ciani.
"This video was filmed by Julio Cintron as a documentary about the GE "2800 Dishwasher" at my small studio in 1984."

The following video, just posted by SuzanneCiani, is the finished commercial from 1984.

GE Beeping Dishwasher

"Here is the finished product after spending a lot of time in my production studio putting it together. All that beeping won me a Clio (Awards for Excellence in Advertising) in 1984."

And a few more just posted by SuzanneCiani on YouTube:

Black and Decker Cutter

"How many times have you seen this commercial when you were young?"

Columbia Pictures Introduction Logo

"Now you know where the music came from (me). :-)"

Bull in the China Shop

"This is my award-winning commerical. Amazingly, nothing fell (that's no bull)."

I remember all of these.

BTW, be sure to click here and scroll for some great posts on Suzanne Ciani including more video.


  1. Matrix, couldn't help but point out the irony/synchronicity of your posting a video of a bull right next to a post about the Taurus.

  2. Nice catch. :) That was a coincidence. It does trip me out when that happens and it does quite a bit.


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