MATRIXSYNTH: cebec - trunks

Friday, October 02, 2009

cebec - trunks

via cebec: "I just wanted to announce the release of my first album, 'trunks', on Hidden Records. I'm overjoyed by and very proud of the results of this collaboration with Hidden -- it's a handmade, limited edition CD release with a unique design and artwork derived from one of my personal photos. All of the music was written and performed in 2008 on my STS Serge Modular (with occasional Max/MSP interference).

Artwork, track listing, and a few excerpts here.

Direct link to purchase from the distributor.

As always, new music and updates are posted on my Virb page.

Special thanks to Dennis (aka 'Mono-Poly'), Peter, Reinier, and Rex."

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