MATRIXSYNTH: Synth Museum book NOS 1994

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Synth Museum book NOS 1994

via this auction

"This was produced to celebrate the opening by Bob Moog of what was then the biggest synth museum in the world. The foreword is written by Bob Moog.

Full colour large-format paperback, laminated cover, 118 pages, full of excellent pictures of the great synths in the collection.

As the Museum doesn’t exist any more, it’s highly unlikely that the book will ever be re-printed. I believe I have the last brand-new copies available.

Instruments covered include: ARP Solina, Pro/DGX, Solus, Little Brother, Omni, Omni II, Blue Meanie, 2500, 2600, Sequencer, Odyssey;

Buchla 100, 200, 700;

E-mu Modular, Emulator II;

EDP Wasp Special, Gnat, Spider;

EML 101, 200, 300, 400, 401, 500;

EMS VCS3, AKS, Pitch-Voltage Converter, Synthi 100;

Korg PS3100, 3200, 3300;

Moog Liberation, Sonic 5, Sonic 6, Bode frequency Shifter, Syn Amp, Vocoder, 12-Stage Phaser, Modular 3c, 15, 35, 55, 3P, Memorymoog, Micromoog, Prodigy, Minimoogs, Multimoog, Polymoog, String Filter;

Oberheim 2-Voice, 8-Voice, Matrix-12, Xpander;

Polyfusion modulars;

Roland System 700, VP330, System 100M, MC4B, MC8, MC202, TR808, TR909, TR55, Revo 30, TB303, JP4, JP8, SH-5, Chorus & Space Echoes;

Sequential Prophet 5, 10, Split 8, Pro-One;

Birotron, Chroma, Ondioline, Kobol Expander, PPG 2.3 & Waveterm B; Gleeman Pentaphonic, Synthex, Wavemakers, OSCar, Formant, CS-80, etc..

Who's selling: my name's Peter Forrest. I've been writing about synths, keyboards, effects and recording gear for nearly 20 years now, and I run an internet auction called VEMIA (Vintage Electric Musical Instrument Auctions) which specialises in synths, drum machines, effects, and so on."

Peter has a number of other items up for auction here.

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