MATRIXSYNTH: Breakaway Vocalizer 1000

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Breakaway Vocalizer 1000

via this auction

"Nearly complete Breakaway Vocalizer 1000 unit, consisting of the original box and styrofoam packing material (a bit beat-up but all there), the Vocalizer 1000 itself, original microphone, 2nd mouthpiece for microphone (humming adapter?), two additional windscreens for microphone (still sealed), a SmartSong cartridge, and an 9v DC adapter. The unit calls for a 7.2v DC adapter, but the previous owner included a 9v adapter in the box that seemed to work just fine. If you are unsure, you can track down a 7.2-7.5v DC adapter at a place like Radio Shack. Not included in the box are the original manual (although I link to a PDF of it below), audio-out cable (nothing special, standard 1/4" cable), RCA-to 1/4" adapters (again, standard), and the studio sign (sorry I never got to see that one!)

The unit itself is in excellent condition and works great. The microphone cable has some styrofoam residue on it that should easily clean off. In the box is an old receipt from a previous owner's purchase and he paid a *fortune* for this thing! :-)

The built-in instruments and beats are fun and typical 80's, but the real power is in using the MIDI-out to control external synths, samplers or even softsynths in your computer. Plus, check out that awesome Adidas-clad 80's dude "James" on the box. He said it's hot and he wouldn't lie.

Links of interest:
Breakaway Vocalizer 1000 Documentation"

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