MATRIXSYNTH: Admin: Featured and Exclusive Posts and Updates!

Friday, June 04, 2010

Admin: Featured and Exclusive Posts and Updates!

New posts are coming up. This is just a reminder that you'll be able to find the post on Professor William Hoskins below in both the Featured section linked in the header above and the Exclusive section on the right. Be sure to check the Featured section at least once a day for a review of the day's featured posts. Also all Featured posts go up on Twitter, along with my random tweets, so you can follow there as well. Be sure to check the comments of posts for updates, and any significant updates to posts are are marked with a red Update: at the bottom of the post itself. If an update comes in the day after a post goes up, meaning tomorrow or later for the Hoskins post, I will put up a new post letting you know. I'll keep you informed. The idea is you never have to go back more than a day or two depending on when you last checked the site, but always go back for the full day looking for red Updates. Hmm.... I just thought of something. I could create an Updated label. You could then click on it for all updates for the day and further back. I think I'll do that...

Update: OK, Updates label added. You'll find the link on the top far right in the header menu above. Check it out!

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