MATRIXSYNTH: Roland TB-303 Owned by DJ Mickey "Mixin" Oliver

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Roland TB-303 Owned by DJ Mickey "Mixin" Oliver

via this auction

"This machine was owned by legendary DJ Mickey "Mixin" Oliver. He was the first to use this machine in electronic music by making acid tracks. He is also known as one of the creators of House Music. Chicago recently named a street after him for his contributions to Dance music. The London Observer named him one of the ten most influential DJs of all time."

It's not clear if the seller means this specific 303 was owned by DJ Mickey "Mixin" Oliver or he just owned one in general.

Update: according to Wikipedia, the first to use the 303 in house: "The first acid house records were produced in Chicago, Illinois. Phuture, a group founded by Nathan "DJ Pierre" Jones, Earl "Spanky" Smith Jr., and Herbert "Herb J" Jackson, is credited with having been the first to use the TB-303 in the house music context (the instrument appeared as early as 1983 in disco via Alexander Robotnick)."


  1. I sure would like to know where they got this bit of "info" that he was the first to use the 303 in House. That's a bit, ohhh... False?

  2. Yeah, I was wondering about that. I just checked Wikipedia and updated the post with what they have.

  3. wiki iosnt true... actually if you wanna read somewher too sleepy to post links but pierrie wasnt first..


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