MATRIXSYNTH: Lightfoot Labs: Goatkeeper3 (color variants)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lightfoot Labs: Goatkeeper3 (color variants)

flickr by Analogue Haven

via Analogue Haven where you'll find some samples.

"goatkeeper 3 is an all analog signal path, digitally controlled tremolo. it's unique sound is due it's analog vca (voltage controlled amplifier) and highly customizable waveforms. six of the eleven waveforms are standard; the other five can be created and saved using the waveform recorder function. either goatkeeper's depth knob or the expression/cv input can be used as the source for waveform recording. a four step sequencer multiplies the lfo's rate by either 1,2,3,4,6,8, or 16. a step can also be set to full amplitude or minimum amplitude. the random setting will select between 1 through 16 or minimum amplitude. lfo rate is set by tap tempo (requiring two or more taps), the expression/cv input, or external sync input.

capable of completely unique sounds as well as standard tremolo

advanced lfo
four step sequencer
skip a step by setting it to ">>"
set the step to multiply the speed by 2,3,4,6,8,16
set the step to minimum or maximum amplitude
set the step to random, selecting between 1 through 16 ro minimum amplitude
waveform recorder function - draw an arbitrary waveform
six preset waveforms and five slots for user drawn waveforms

tap tempo speed control
set tempo duration from approximately 250 msec to 6 seconds
the resulting speed can then be multiplied by up to 16 times using the sequencer knobs

either the depth knob or expression/cv input is used to "draw" the waveform when in waveform record mode
expression/cv input for control over lfo rate
external sync input - syncs goatkeeper to an audio click track
100% analog signal path
relay bypass"

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