MATRIXSYNTH: Inside a Kawai SX240

Friday, November 26, 2010

Inside a Kawai SX240

flickr set By kb_cheapmods
(click for more)

This is the Kawai SX-240, an 8-voice, 2DCO hybrid analog synthesizer from the early-mid-1980's. The layout and color scheme are very attractive, but the sound is even better. The only limitations I can see for this synth are: 1. DCO2 is square wave only; 2. there is only an alpha dial for altering sounds (not so bad); 3. the MIDI spec is very limited.

Because they are rare and there are no pics of the internals on Flickr, I wanted to photographically document it. I wish I had a better camera, though!

I got this off ebay for relatively cheap. Was stuck on one sound, had a tweaked bender, and missing the large rotary knob. It was pretty dirty when it arrived, so I cleaned it up. The electrical problem was due to two open traces on the digital board from slight battery corrosion. I removed the old NiCd battery, thoroughly cleaned off the PCB, and jumpered the open traces. I replaced the battery with an Li-ion CR2032 (first installing a diode to disallow charging when plugged in). I then restored the presets and voila - back to life!

Other mods I made were to replace the dedicated power cord with a 3-prong IEC socket. I also used a very nice big aluminum rotary knob to replace the missing plastic alpha-type knob."

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