Monday, January 03, 2011

Signal Arts Tetra MAPS III

via this auction

"Sequencer Specifications
Real-time Interface
Real-time Flexibility

* Continuous turn "encoder" knobs and LCD display for instantaneous access to any parameter
* Display step parameters as bar graphics, octaves, en-harmonics, or numbers
* Perform from the sequencer using its encoder knob buttons to trigger and control sequences
* Perform the sequencer remotely using MIDI or Ethernet Open Sound Control

Some of TETRA MAPS Version 3.2 Features

* Ethernet Open Sound Control (OSC) Networking
* Now communicate with OSC-enabled applications such as MAX/MSP, Lemur, iPhone/iPad TouchOSC
* Network multiple Tetra MAPS sequencers using Ethernet OSC
* More sequences - over 24,000 note capacity
* New Track View includes:
* volume - mixer like control of sequence volumes
* mute on/off individual sequence tracks
* single knob modulation of sequence tracks
* meta-link - easily links sequences into long tracks
* polyphonic MIDI record
* Sequence track and bank Stop and other short-cut key combinations
* Plus 4 Channels of Control Voltage Output
* Available in multiple rack formats

Sequence Step Matrix
Moves beyond a typical MIDI Sequencer

* Real-time sequence step modes:
* note, scale, detune, velocity, controller, step duration, note duration, slew rate Step notes are tuneable to 1/64th semitone 'un-quantized' resolution
* Force step note to one of 50 musical scales
* Per-step glide or slew rate for MIDI pitch-bend slew or portamento output
* Sequence Loop and Link for long patterns up to 1536 steps
* and multiple instances thereof Multiple sequence track modulation sources:
A sequence or other source may modulate sequence pitch, velocity, controller, event times and more
* Track modulation allows global and recursive sequence modulation Random step advance and pendulum modes
* Real-time control of MIDI program numbers
* Per-bank and global BPM tempos
* Ethernet input and output, 32 channel MIDI output
* Control Voltage modulation input for sequence transposition, step time and more

Variable Event Times and Durations
Moves beyond the traditional Step Sequencer

* Per-step step and note durations:
* Note off, skip step to 64th, dotted, whole note and triplet durations Over 24,000 note memory
* Polyphonic MIDI record
* Ability to create polyphonic and monophonic sequence combinations
* Sync triggers to beat or free-time, independent to each sequence
* Sync sequence loop to bar length, independent to each sequence
* Cross-rhythms are easily generated with Bar Sync
* Step fractional time-shift modulation via sequence modulator inputs
* Programable external clock sources and timing resolution

Dynamic Sequence Triggering
Makes this the Performance Sequencer

* Concurrent triggering of each bank group of 8 sequences,
* with multiple virtual sequence iterations Meta trigger sequences with the single turn of an encoder knob
* Sequencer trigger sources:
Sequences are knob button assignable and MIDI channel or note assignable
* Sequence iterations track MIDI trigger note, velocity, note duration, and note instances Global sequence track modulation
* Sequence cross-modulation
* Triggers sync to beat or free-time; create MIDI echo
* Sequencer trigger modes:

Multiple sequences follow all trigger instances
Multiple Arp multiple sequence note trigger taken as an arpeggiated note
Single sequence follows monophonic trigger
Duration Follow sequence note duration follows trigger duration
Loop Hold sequence loops while trigger is held
Run/Stop trigger play; trigger stop
Run/Stop Arp run/stop sequence note trigger taken as an arpeggiated note
Seq Reset trigger play; trigger reset sequence
Release trigger sequence_n; sequence_n+1 on trigger release
Step Play trigger plays the next successive step
Step Record trigger sets step value
Step Randomize trigger sets random step values

Polyphonic MIDI to Control Voltage Converter Features (MCV)
Superb Analog Voice Control

* 4 channels of full-featured MIDI to Control Voltage conversion
* Authentic mono synth emulation with 8 finger note buffer
* Configurable output ports
* 5 octave linear note range
* Volts/Octave or Volts/Hertz output scaling
* Low / High / Last note priority
* Retrigger and Recycle note modes
* Linear or Exponential portamento slew
* Mono and polyphonic pitch bend modes with variable pitch bend width
* Velocity and MIDI controller support with 16 curve modifiers, inversion and scaling
* Three programmable MIDI input channel zones

Other Analog Ports
Flexible Analog or MIDI Sync

* Analog Clock in at 4 and 24ppq
* Analog Clock out at 1, 2, 4 and 24ppq
* MIDI clock in and out at 24ppq
* External CV input for sequence modulation

File Data Exchange

* MIDI file dump data
* Flash upgradeable OS

Specifications: Input / Output

Control Voltage 4 CV out, 4 Gates out, 1 CV in
MIDI in, out 1, out 2 or through
Ethernet Open Sound Control (OSC) / MIDI over ethernet support
Analog Clock Sync in (TRS ring) and out (TRS tip) / Drum Sync 24
External Foot Pedal input (TRS tip doubles for CV in)
Power 9VDC @ 300mA
Graphic Display 2 X 20 character lit LCD
Dimensions Euro-rack 5.1 X 8.5 X 3 inches

Tetra MAPS Sequencer User's Manual

Rev 3.2 Manual
Original MAPS Sequencer Release 2 User's Manual

Rev C2.2 Manual"

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