MATRIXSYNTH: Marsynth Nomad Beta Demo 1

Friday, March 11, 2011

Marsynth Nomad Beta Demo 1

YouTube via Uploaded by marsynth on Mar 10, 2011

"This is the first demo of the new Marsynth Nomad: a high quality tremolo paired with a unique and complex feedback system.

In this video, I am simply running a guitar through the Nomad with not other effects. You can hear a bit of a hum in parts of the demo which is a result of me using a single coil pickup guitar (not an artifact of the Nomad!). The Nomad equally handles other inputs like vocals, synthesizers, and other sound sources, some of which I will include in another demo. Of course, the Nomad is just as fun with no input at all, wandering off into self-oscillating bliss.

Beta units are being tested now, and production units will be available within a few months.

Keep up to date on Nomad updates as well as other Marsynth news here:

Thanks for watching!"

Update: new URL for Marsynth above.

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