Friday, August 19, 2011


via this auction

See the seller's other items for more.

"the vm-1 is a complete voice module with an oscillator, multimode filter, amplifier and two different envelope generators.

the oscillator can produce seven basic waveforms. the pitch is controlled manually by the knobs coarse and fine and by attenuable cv1 and cv2 inputs. the pitch cv inputs are carefully trimmed for 1 volt/octave sensitivity. the pulse width can be controlled by the knob "pulse width" and by external signals inserted to attenuable input "pwm". the sync is provided by an external signal to input sync.

the multimode filter consists of an audio mixer (labelled "mix"), filter and modulation controls for cutoff, q-peak (resonance) and output morph. the mix control mixes two signals the oscillator's output and the external audio signal (audio). the multimode filter is a four pole multimode filter. the lowpass, bandpass and highpass modes are mixed at the filter output by the morphing function, knob mode morph and controllable by an external cv signal morph. the outgoing level is attenuated by a voltage controlled amplifier.

the vm-1 makes an excellent starter module for people interested in modular systems. it provides all of the basic functions a programmer needs in order to start producing sound, but still with the external control possibilities that a modular user benefits from. the only other thing required to begin is a rack case, power supply and of course cables.

pitch range - 10hz to 22khz
waveforms - seven basic waveforms
pulse width - 5% to 95%
cv inputs - cv1, cv2 for pitch, pwm, 50%/5volts, sync, any shape

multimode filter
cutoff - 16hz to 16khz
q-peak (resonance) - flat to self-oscillating mode morph - lowpass, bandpass, highpass and mixes
cm1 - ar eg/osc or external signal, alt. mix of both attenuable adsr or inverted adsr modulation of filter cutoff

audio - external audio mixed with oscillators selected waveforms, external mod source ext cm-1 - external control (source) for filter
cutoff q-peak - control of q-peak (resonance) via cv morph - pass and mixes between modes, 0 to 5 volts

vca - controlled by adsr or ar

attack time - 0.5 msec to 20 seconds
decay time - 0.5 msec to 20 seconds
sustain level - 0 to 100%
release time - 0.5 msec to 20 seconds
gate, trig - 2 volts threshold, any waveform

current consumption - 100 ma
dimensions - 128.4 mm (h), 101 mm (b); 3 he, 26 te

this module has a maximum current draw of 100ma. it requires 26 hp/te worth of space to fit in a eurorack frame."

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