MATRIXSYNTH: Zyklus MPS-1 Midi Performance System - Demo tape

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Zyklus MPS-1 Midi Performance System - Demo tape

YouTube Uploaded by AnalogyGuy on Aug 18, 2011
via esaruoho in the comments of this post.
"Here's a recording from the promo tape which was made to demonstrate the features of the Midi performance System from 1988.

I own one of them (only one batch, 40 units, was ever produced because it was flop product for the very wrong reasons) and meanwhile I haven't yet done any video demonstrations, I decided to upload at least this demo tape. You can expect me to do them sooner or later because the Zyklus really is the center of my own studio and serves extremely well my purposes of improvisations... it was made for non-stop spontaneous music production with huge amount of experimental elements.

MPS is really even today totally unique. Instead of normal sequencer that uses tape machine approach, it uses individual sequences (phrases, loops, riffs, whatever) and handles them like "notes" so that you can "play" them with keyboard and transpose them polyphonically... and the transpose is not the only function there!

I am going to make tribute site for the Zyklus, but before that, for more info, see my friend's site here:

Maybe the only known Zyklus user was (suprise!) Vangelis (in the album "Direct") but another famous composer that was one of the original pioneers of electronic music in Britain, David Vorhaus, also used Zyklus and maybe still uses it.

About the songs in this tape, bear in mind that they were mainly made to demonstrate the features so they are not maybe that great as a songs but interesting nontheless... and remember, each song was made in live, without overdubbing.

Composers of the tracks:

[Part 1]
1. Alex White (The main demo)
2. Peter Kellock - 05:10
3. Jezz Woodroffe - 07:35

[Part 2]
1. Peter Kellock
2. Jezz Woodroffe - 01:45
3. AW WM PK - 03:50
4. Jezz Woodroffe - 08:23
5. John L Walters - 10:35

[Part 3]
1. Peter Buick
2. Bill Marshall - 02:08
3. Jezz Woodroffe - 05:37"

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