MATRIXSYNTH: Novation Ultranova with Gig Bag

Monday, September 12, 2011

Novation Ultranova with Gig Bag

via this auction

"This is Novation's best synth yet. It rivals or beats the Waldorf Q or Access Virus TI for synthesis power: Its 3 oscillators can be multiplied and detuned against themselves with no loss of polyphony, and each one has a virtual sync oscillator for sync effects that do not use up the other regular oscillators. Plus all three support wavetables, digital waveforms, and ringmod. It has 2 multi-mode filters, 3 complex (and syncable) LFOs, 6! syncable envelopes that can be looped, modulated, or have varying slopes for each stage. And it has that fat, smooth Novation sound that reminds me of vintage Junos and Jupiters."

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