"Here's the info which was forwarded to me by some of the people involved in producing the program:
'On 10/08/11 at 23.05 European time it´s finally Part two of the Harald Bode story: Westdeutscher Rundfunk 3 Cologne will present "Music Is My Field- Harald Bode: The Art of Engineering and Homestudio Music" It is about traces of his work in different musical styles from the thirties til the eighties, - from "Melodium" melodies to "BarberPolePhaser" sound. And it´s about his own music. If you go to http://www.wdr3.de/open-freiraum/aktuell.html and click "stream"(rechts in der Mitte), you will find the right player for your OS Or: Below stream you will find the "Radiorecorder" ("Stream" and "Radiorecorder" are provided by WDR 3. Sorry I can´t give any support. I recommend "radiorecorder" though for better sound quality.)
Here the announcement by the editor WDR 3 Markus Heuger:
"The story of the inventor of many electronic instruments, one of which was the inspiration for the first Moog Modulars, is also the story of the myth around Electronic sound. In the beginning it was mostly seen as a technological gimmick or miracle, or as a danger for culture itself. Electronic sound since has become an everyday´s part of our musical life. Harald Bode was admidst this evolution. He invented seventeen instruments between 1937 and 1984. You can hear them in academic music of the Fifties, as well as in Disco music of the 80ties. WDR 3 open: FreiRaum presents the witchkitchen of the inventor and "soundpractioner", who lived until 1987. He called his own music "commercial ". His studio and instruments he called "only means ". "What miraculous means!"
Here the announcement by the editor WDR 3 Markus Heuger:
This work was made possible through through support & help by: Peer Bode, Rebekkah Palov, Devin Henry, Andrew Deutsch, Chris McDaniel (Institute of Electronic Arts, Alfred University, Bode Archive/Alfred und Hornell/ USA), Silke Berdux (Deutsches Museum München), Dr Wilhelm Füssl und den Mitarbeitern des Archivs Deutsches Museum Jan Groth, Goethe Schiller Archive Weimar (Germany), Jan Groth, Frau Harting (Bundesarchiv / German State Archiv), Herrn Fritsche und Herrn Rieden (University Bonn), Leslie Bellavance (Dean at School of Art and Design, NYSCC at Alfred University, Alfred USA). Stephan Kühmayer(WAST), Hans-Joachim Maempel (Technical University, Berlin), Gisela Simons (Sound Archive Bayerischer Rundfunk), Elena Ungeheuer (Technical University, Berlin), Thomas Rhea (Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA,USA), Dietmar Schenk und all Co-Workers (Archivs of University of Arts Berlin, Georg und Hanne Steinmeyer (Estey Organ Museum, Brattleboro, VT, USA ), Elena Ungeheuer (Technical University Berlin) Woody and Steina Vasulka (Alburuerque, NM, USA) and the sound archive of Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln.'"
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