MATRIXSYNTH: FON31 - Sendai Japan Relief

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

FON31 - Sendai Japan Relief

via Force of Nature
"On March 11th 2011, an 8.9 level eathquake struck Sendai Japan. The quake triggered a tsunami and massive damage to crictial nuclear facilities and evacuations along Japan's Pacific coast and in at least 20 countries, including the entire Pacific coast of North America and South America. The earthquake created extremely destructive tsunami waves of up to 10 meters (33 ft) that struck Japan minutes after the quake, with smaller waves after several hours in many other countries. In Japan, the waves are reported to have travelled up to 10 km (6 mi) inland and the death toll continues to rise.

The Sendai Japan release series on Force of Nature is the latest addition to the Natural Disaster Series which is focused on raising money to support the victims of this event. Sendai Japan will comprise mutiple compilations which are curated by leading artists and label owners and sold on Forced Distro. ALL sales will be donated to the JPRI Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund."

Releases include:
SENDAI Japan Series 4 - Curated by Dennis Verschoor
SENDAI Japan Series 3 - Curated by Bauke van der Wal
SENDAI Japan Series 2 - Curated by Miguel de Sousa
SENDAI Japan Series 1 - Curated by Kate Turgoose

1 comment:

  1. thanks :-) hope we'll get a chance to make a difference! the music is actually really good and especially part 3 (drones) and 4 (modular synthesis) are very interesting for matrixsynth readers.


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