MATRIXSYNTH: Rare GRS VCO.3 For Sale in Bologna

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rare GRS VCO.3 For Sale in Bologna

via Great Synthesizers where you'll find additional pics.

"Only 30 pieces of the VCO.3 were built before a flood destroyed all the instrument’s documents in 1973. The Italian company GRS with headquarter in Florence is one of the great unknowns in synthesizer history... 2 weeks ago a restored VCO.3 appeared in a shop in Bologna."

Also see:
GRS VCO.3 and H.R. Giger
Synthorama - Italian, French and Russian Room

1 comment:

  1. Amazing rarity for collectors! I had the opportunity to try it and sound impressive, more modulations, other features respect a classic Minimoog with a warm built in Reverb (tubes amp based with large springs)Same redesigned Moog PCB's, same RA Moog modular components!


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