MATRIXSYNTH: IDOW & MATRIXSYNTH Modular Pic of the Week - Week 17 Contest Winner!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

IDOW & MATRIXSYNTH Modular Pic of the Week - Week 17 Contest Winner!

"Our seventeenth winner of the Modular Pic of the Week contest goes to Roberto Raineri-Seith for his 'To tweak or not to tweak.'

Roberto Raineri-Seith lives in Ascona, Switzerland. Roberto is a composer and performer of electronic soundscapes for art exhibitions, video productions and sound installations. Since the early '80s, Roberto also regularly lectures and holds workshops on analogue electronic music, instruments and techniques.

For more info:

We'd like to give a big thanks and congratulations to Roberto Raineri-Seith for his submission! This is the 17th week of a 30-week contest, and we are looking forward to many more modular photo submissions, so please keep 'em coming! For details on how to submit and what you can win, see this post.

For more info on the upcoming 'I Dream of Wires' documentary, be sure to see the trailer and IndieGoGo fund raising campaign here.

See the IDOW label for all posts pertaining to the film including the weekly contest winners."

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