MATRIXSYNTH: NTH Synth Improvisation #2

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

NTH Synth Improvisation #2

YouTube Uploaded by nthsynth on Feb 14, 2012

"The NTH sequences the Moog Slim Phatty and Alesis Micron in an improvised jam while synced to the Korg EMX1's drum machine. NTH sequencer phrases, amplitude envelopes, and gliss patterns are sent to the Moog and Micron via MIDI.

The NTH is available now at Kickstarter:

The NTH is a fun-to-use, sonically-rich, hackable music synthesizer. It features digital oscillators, an analog low-pass filter, an integrated step sequencer, MIDI I/O, and simple, intuitive controls.

The NTH is available for purchase from February 2, 2012 to March 1, 2012 via Kickstarter. Upon successful funding, production of the NTH will begin and the entire design will be open-sourced.

Audio examples, product photos, and additional documentation can be found at the NTH website:

The NTH was designed by Kevin Holland and John Staskevich. Kevin's music and software can be found at John's electronics designs can be found at

Thanks for watching!"

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