MATRIXSYNTH: Dirty Electronics Mute Synth Custom (Warm) Leatherette Mod by A.S.M.O.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dirty Electronics Mute Synth Custom (Warm) Leatherette Mod by A.S.M.O.

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via this auction

- video at the auction & previously posted here. via the seller in the listing: "The Mute Synth is a hand held touch controlled synthesizer originally commissioned by Mute Records for the Mute Short Circuit weekend at the Roundhouse, London in May 2011.

This is one of 3 heavily modified versions built by myself with additional features and controls, the first was built as a commission for Mute Records founder Daniel Miller (hence the Leatherette), this one which I am selling and the 3rd which I am keeping for myself. Daniel asked me to build him one after seeing an earlier modified version I built here.

The Mute Synth features 2 oscillators, feedback and a pulser / sequencer controlled by touch panels and tilt switches, in this modified version all the touch panels are wired to control knobs and switches for stable tuning and accurate control and housed in a wooden case, the front and rear panels are covered in black leatherette. Added to each of the oscillators and feedback is an LFO (3 in total) for modulation with rate, wave shape and depth controls.

Also added is a voltage controlled (CV input via a 1/4 jack socket on the rear panel) low / band pass filter with resonance and cut off knobs, filter self oscillates at full resonance.

The Mute Synth itself is powered by a coin cell and additional circuitry powered from 9v PP3 battery, compartment in rear panel.

This one is identical to the one built for Daniel Miller except for the different style knobs and weathering patina on the Mute synth. Pictures of Daniel's mod and control diagram can be viewed on my Facebook page or on Flickr"

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