MATRIXSYNTH: japanese analogue synth book

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

japanese analogue synth book

via this auction

"this book is all in Japanese! it's thick and full of pics of old analog synths and Japanese bands like Yellow Magic Orchestra. ideal collectors piece if u are into old synthesisers"

Added to the Synth Books post. If anyone knows more about this one, feel free to comment or shoot me an email via the email icon at the bottom right of the site.

Update: some info via an anonymous reader:

"Meaning of the title: Electronic Music in Japan
Author: Yuji Tanaka
Publisher: ASPECT

Publisher's site on the book:

In Amazon Japan, a revised book is still available. [link
- note the cover is different]

This book is not beautiful because figures are gray, but it is still great because
it includes history of not-famous Japanese experimental and popular electronic music."

Update via the world of next tuesday in the comments: "The first version seems to have come out in 1997. It's about just what the title says "electronic music in Japan", it's not a book about Japanese Analog Synths. The cover of the first edition says 1955-1981, maybe that was the first edition. I have the second edition from 2001 with the grey cover. It covers up until 1987. I see the last entry in the back page timeline says "D-50" then "M1" under an otherwise blank 1988. I found it in NYC in the mid 2000s. It contains a CD of example recordings dating from 1969-1987 and it's about 600 pages long. There are hundreds of very small pictures averaging about an inch, 1.25" square and b&w. There are some synth shots that size but nothing to really study. Maybe about 20 pages are color and the bulk of the 100s of images are album covers. It covers a lot of Non Japanese albums for context. The author did a second book in 2005 called "Electronic Music in the Lost World". It has a lot more small color images of vintage electronic music albums."


  1. please tell me who the author of the book and how it is?

  2. The first version seems to have come out in 1997. It's about just what the title says "electronic music in Japan", it's not a book about Japanese Analog Synths. The cover of the first edition says 1955-1981, maybe that was the first edition. I have the second edition from 2001 with the grey cover. It covers up until 1987. I see the last entry in the back page timeline says "D-50" then "M1" under an otherwise blank 1988. I found it in NYC in the mid 2000s. It contains a CD of example recordings dating from 1969-1987 and it's about 600 pages long. There are hundreds of very small pictures averaging about an inch, 1.25" square and b&w. There are some synth shots that size but nothing to really study. Maybe about 20 pages are color and the bulk of the 100s of images are album covers. It covers a lot of Non Japanese albums for context. The author did a second book in 2005 called "Electronic Music in the Lost World". It has a lot more small color images of vintage electronic music albums.


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