MATRIXSYNTH: Something New From Roland Coming on 8/31

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Something New From Roland Coming on 8/31

via Roland Sverige (Sweden) on Facebook

"Nu har den första prototypen av en av nyheterna som kommer den 31/8 anlänt till kontoret! Låter grymt bra... Drygt 10 dagar kvar, sen ska vi avslöja vad det är..."
"Now, the first prototype of one of the news coming on 8/31 arrived at the office! Sounds damn good ... More than 10 days left, then we'll reveal what it is ..."

via Patrick Fridh on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge (click the thumbnail for the comments when you get there).

Update via Patrick Fridh on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge: "We need someone from Germany here NOW. :) Please pick up the latest issue of Keyboards - - it supposedly has a print ad on the back. The new Roland is a rack module called Integra 7 and it supposedly comes with 6,000 sounds including all of the SRX expansion card sounds. Can someone please scan the back of this magazine? Curiosity kills the cat!"

Update: via Computer Music Guide:

"It looks like it’s a Juipter 80 rack with all 12 SRX expansions! Judging from this leaked European image, I’m quite certain it has some kind of USB connectivity as well."

INTEGRA-7 rack Jupiter-80 expanded.

I'm guessing the JP Synth Editor for the iPad will work with it. Screens below.

JP Synth Editor - Roland Corporation
iPads on eBay


  1. I'm not excited. When was the last time Roland did something right? I've been burned too many times getting excited for some upcoming product by Roland.

    It'll probably be something around the lines of a cut down version of their Jupiter 80.

    1. MC-505 and other Grooveboxes and great masterkeyboard controllers like the A-90 were the ROLAND highlights of the 90's. The next great synth innovation after the revolutionary D-50 from 1987 was the V-Synth serie. The latest ROLAND highlight is the Jupiter-80. Program it, play it, feel it and you will love it...

  2. I'm not excited. When was the last time Roland did something right? I've been burned too many times getting excited for some upcoming product by Roland.

    It'll probably be something around the lines of a cut down version of their Jupiter 80.

    1. MC-505 and other Grooveboxes and great masterkeyboard controllers like the A-90 were the ROLAND highlights of the 90's. The next great synth innovation after the revolutionary D-50 from 1987 was the V-Synth serie. The latest ROLAND highlight is the Jupiter-80. Program it, play it, feel it and you will love it...

  3. "I've been burned too many times getting excited for some upcoming product by Roland."

    If this is all that troubles you, lets swap lives. Roland dont owe you a new analog synth, its so funny how the synth community loves to hate on Roland. If they are past their analog prime, jog on. There is no shortage of other companies picking up the slack.

    1. Who said it was what bothers him. Grow up you elitiest snob. Fact of the matter is Roland has been Garbage since the late 90s, and only get a decent rate there because of some of the design concepts they came up with that has been better by other since. Roland never dares, never cares. Just sells to the highest bidder which are church players, cover bands, musak factories, and the rest of such ilk.

    2. "...the rest of such ilk."? Wow, and you're calling someone else an elitiest (sp) snob? Believe it or not, there are people out there who depend on such 'garbage' while gigging so they can feed their family. The JP80 may not be what you need (I doubt you've even played one though), but it's far from 'garbage'.

  4. Yeah roland just keeps playing games releasing never to be completed products and some dont even get an update.. its just their way of keeping you on that tread mill. and even if it appears to be the next best thing you can be sure its not going to be complete.

  5. I have said this many times.. roland product take 3 years to mature..
    you have to wait to see exactly what your getting.. by this time the price will have dropped dramaticaly and it will be ripe for the picking and you save lots.

  6. Not always! Look what happened to the V-Synth GT prices. The board is now more expensive than a JUPITER-80!

  7. That also took near 3 years to mature and get an OS update.


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