Monday, September 24, 2012

Rare SMS Triple VCA

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"Analogue Modular Synthesizer with three independent VCA's. This is a 1U 19" rack module with 3 Voltage Controlled Amplifiers. It has it's own PSU built in so is easy to interface with your existing modules. Fully compatible with Euro Modular and all systems using standard CV's. 110VAC and 230VAC switchable.

A very useful module for all things Analogue Modular And Synthetic. I always think the VCA is an underestimated module within any synth set up. But a good balance is always required and the VCA is essential for patching, modulation and signal processing.

This module has some interesting features inc. simultaneous Log and Lin modulation. VCA 1 Has an inverting signal input which makes Voltage control of Resonance on a VCF easy without the need for extra modules. With a combination of Modulation and Signal levels some nice controlled and smooth signal distortion can be introduced.

If you consider the cost of these as individual modules and space they would take up in your rack your getting a good deal.

Approximately 5 Years old with very careful use.

1 0f only 10 modules made.

The 7 module range was designed to demonstrate the new SMS range and to complement the SMS MARS P7 system at the 2007 Musikmesse in Frankfurt but was never officially released."

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