MATRIXSYNTH: Final Set of A-Z of Analogue Synthesisers

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Final Set of A-Z of Analogue Synthesisers

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The listing is from the author Peter Forrest who states this is likely the last set.  These are great books and imo the most comprehensive.  Click on the pics to get an idea of what they are like.  Peter also has other items listed including The Museum of Synthesizer Technology and Synthesizer von Gestern II.

Description for A-Z including draft list of synths covered:

"A complete two-volume set of the most comprehensive encyclopaedia of analogue synths and keyboards in the world - direct from the author.

The original A-M was produced in 1994, and then re-written and expanded in 1998. There are probably nearly twice as many words crammed in to the second edition as there were in the first. The second edition has 320 pages, 16 of which are full colour, while the original edition only had 240 pages. There's a whole lot of extra information about EMS, Moog, and many other manufacturers; a greatly improved index, and a new index to the musicians mentioned in the book. So if you're into, say, Tangerine Dream, you can find the 25 pages on which they're mentioned; Tim Blake, 8 pages; and even Tim Buckley on two.

The first edition was printed in a run of 2000, and 2000 copies of this revised edition were also printed (plus a few printers' run-ons). This second edition has been officially out of print for three years now, so is impossible to buy via any bookseller like Amazon. I think I have run out of every single mint copy of the books, but there are a few books still left which have some blemish or more major problem.

After a few months busy with other things, I have dug the last few near-mint copies out to sell. This might well be the last one which doesn't have cosmetic damage to the colour pages, or other serious issues.

This A-M is serial number 0006. It has some slight scuffing to the front cover which wouldn't show up in a photo. I kept this and 0001 for myself, but it's time to send it off to a new home. It is in perfectly good enough condition to be sold in a bookshop.

The original N-Z was printed in 1996, in a run of 2000, and then the second revised edition (of 3000) was printed in 2003. It has 384 pages, including 16 in full colour. Please check the photos to see the sort of coverage you will get of rare, obscure instruments like the Syntons and Wavemakers or ultra-famous offerings like the Rolands and Yamahas.

This one is serial number 1533, and has no faults (apart from some of the writing).

Both books will be signed if you want (and you can let me know how you want them signed when you pay after the auction ends).

The total number of words in these two books is probably over half a million. With hundreds of illustrations, charts, etc., the whole package provides a comprehensive guide to analogue synths, organs, electric pianos, theremins, etc., up to 1998 for ones beginning A-M, and 2003 for the N-Zs. The books have been well-reviewed in magazines all round the world, and enjoyed by some of the best-known names in electronic music, such as Fatboy Slim (pictured reading the original A-M in one of the eBay photos), Hans Zimmer, Chemical Brothers, Human League, Depeche Mode, and Adrian Utley of Portishead.

Who's selling: my name's Peter Forrest. I've been writing about synths, keyboards, effects and recording gear for over 20 years now, and I run an internet auction called VEMIA (Vintage Electric Musical Instrument Auctions) which specialises in synths, drum machines, effects, and so on. Please check my feedback to see that you can bid with confidence. Feel free to email me any questions.

The books are not the actual ones in the photos, but would look identical.

Now is a very good time for anyone paying in dollars or yen to buy!

To give an indication of the scope of the books, here is a draft of the N-Z instrument index. Note that as the books are in alphabetical order of maker's names, there are none in this index.

100 Modular 70
200 Modular 71
200 Series 194
2700 Modular 47
2720 Modular 48
300 Modular 71
360 Systems 28
3740 (Gnome) 48
3-to-1 241
400SM 233
4700 Modular 48
7300 Combo Organ 325
88G 241
A-1000 32
A-3 329
Advanced Sound Generator 46
AF-1 295
AG7500 60
Alisa 200
Alpha Juno-1 95
Alpha Juno-2 96
Altair 200
Arton 289
ASG 46
ATC-1 236
ATC-X 237
Attack 44 55
Banana 246
Band Master 281
Band Organ 90
Bandito 154
Baroque 304
Bass Line 140, 207
Bass Line Generator 154
Basset 295
Bassie 318
BassStation 7
BassStation Rack 8
Bass-Synthesizer 319
BCD Technology
Bechstein 5, 65, 298
Black Boxes 226
Blackbox 147
Blue Fun Station 182
BOB 253
Borg Filter 323
Bottom Line 60
Break Out Box 253
C-605P 329
Calliope Model B 92
Capri 53, 156
Carnaval 156
Cat Girl Synth 231
Cat / SRM 207
Cat, Cat SRM, II 32
Catstick 34
CDX 208
Chaosbank 184
Checkmate 267
Chestron 285
Chilton 39
Chroma 83, 207
Chroma Expander 85, 86
Chromaknob 85
Circle Machine 154
Classic VCO 322
Clavier 299
Clavioline 156, 208
Clavivox 154
Clone 3 254
CMU-800 / R 97, 207
CMU-810 98, 207
College 255
Comet TR 318
Concert 88 7
Concert Spectrum 193
Concertmate 78, 207
Concertouch 6
Condor T 316
Console 61 241
Consolette II 153
Constellation 208
Continental 208, 300
Corinthian 304
Cougar 146
CP10, 11, -20 330
CP-200 289
CP25, -30 331
CP35 332
CP-60M 332
CP-70B 208, 333
CP-80 335
Crackle Box etc 5, 227
Creative 65
Cruise 186
CS01 208, 336
CS-10 338
CS-15 339
CS-15D 340
CS-20M 341
CS-30 342
CS-30L 343
CS-40M 208, 344
CS-5 208, 337
CS-50 208, 345
CS-50M 348
CS-60 208, 348
CS-70M 208, 350
CS-80 208, 350
DAF-1 295
DBE, DBK 289
DCS1 / II 234
Devil Fish 77
Dhruva 75
Digi-trix 5
DK-600 / -700 188
DK-70 / -80 187
DO2 312
Dual Voice 74
Duette 196
Duo 89
Eclipse 278
Effekt-Piano 319
Eight Voice 11, 207
EK-10 86, 207
Ekx 50
Electra De Luxe 281
Electra-Pianos 90, 91
Electric Piano 289, 304
Electronic Calliope 91
Electronic Dulcimer 304
Electronic Music Lab 287
Electronic Music Synthesizer 76
Electronic Piano 87
Electronic Sound Synthesiser 323
Electronium 154
Electro-Theremin 321
Elektronika 201
EM-003 / 01 etc 201
EM-101 SoundPlus 99, 207
EM-25 etc 201
Enigiser 43
Envelator 322
EP-09/10/11 99
EP-20 / 30 / 6060 100
EP-200 208, 325
ES1 312
ES3000 316
Estradin 201, 202
Etherwave 276
Evolver 193
EX-1, EX-2 354
EX-300 264
EX-42 354
EX80 Expander 189
Expander / 6 189
Expander II 149
Explorer / II 92
Fascination 155
Fatman 50
FB-14 195
Fifth Man 309
Filterbank 184
Filtrex-1 9
Flying 49 / 61 189
Foot Stomper 60
Formant Organ 308
Formanta 289
Four Voice 12
Freedom 1 65
Fugue 159
Gamma 202
Gazelle 146
Gipsy 316
GM751, 752, 753 etc 61
Gnome 51
Grand Prix 321
Great Stalacpipe Organ 225
Grosston-Orgel 298
GX-1 208, 356
Hit 324
Holiday 298
Home Club Continental 303
HP-30 / 60 / 70 100
HS-10 / 60 / 80 100
Imperative 316
Intercontinental 298, 299
Jaguar 304
Jo'anna 200
JP-4 105, 207
JP-6 107, 207
JP-8 108, 207
JU-1 95
JU-2 96
JU-6 100
JU-60 101
Junior 305
Junior 49 89
Juno-106 103
Juno-106S 104
Juno-6 100
Juno-60 101
Jupiter-4 105, 207
Jupiter-6 107, 207
Jupiter-8 108, 207
JX-10 113
JX-3P 111
JX-8P 112, 207
K61N 55
Kabourek 65
Karloff 155
Kee Bass 81
Key Orchestra 316
Keyman 88 241
Kitten 34, 207
Kitten 207
Kitten II 35
Klaviatursphaerophon 56
Klingertone 56
Knock Out 316
Kobol 147
Kobol Expander 148, 207
Kvintet 291
L.I.F.E. 260
Lark 92
Licht-Ton Orgel 318
Longwave 208
Loran 208
Lynx 146
M.A.R.S. 295
M-55 198
M-65 74
M-65 / 75 / 85 199
M-75 74
M-85 74
MAB-303 323
Maestro 290
Mago 225
Manual 290
Mark V 82, 233
Mark VII 81
Mars 253
Master's Touch 227
Matrix-1000 17
Matrix-12 16, 207
Matrix-6 14, 207
Matrix-6R 15
Mattel 39
Max 159
MC-202 115, 207
MCV1a 278
Melisson 149
Mephisto 285, 296
Metamorphoser 38
MG-1 78, 207
Micro PAX 57
Micro Wave 311
MicroComposer 115, 207
Microcon 227
Microsynth 72
MIDImoog / Midimini 237
Miner Industries 39
Mini Remote 206
Minicon 228
Minimax 310
Mini-Riviera 305
Minisonic 72
Minisonic 2 250
Minster 158
Mixolator 323
Mk III 86
MK-3 117
MKS-10 / 30 117
MKS-50 / -70 118
MKS-7 116
MKS-80 119
MMF1 312
Model 120 73
Model 600 315
Model 700 160
Model 840 160
Model 88-K 242
Model C / Double C 293
Model D 260
Model X 298
Modular 300 207
Module Rack 149
Mono 189, 208
Montgomery Ward 41
MOTM 248
MP-600 / -700 120
MPG-80 120
MR2P 305
MRS-2 121, 207
Multiphonic Keyboard 228
Multi-Trak 160
Muse 286
Musikcockpit 81
MX-65 199
Navaho 68
Neptune 203
Nightshade 309
Nmicrocon 261
Novatron 233
Nuova Elettronica 5
OB-1 18, 207
OB-8 21
OB-8K 22
Ober-M006 23
Obie-Eight 238
Obie-rack 238
OB-Mx 23
OB-SX 25
OB-X 25
OB-Xa 27, 207
OB-Xpander 28
Octron 285
Oftedal 65
OM-27 etc 242
Omega 2 238
Omega 8 239
Omni Filter 323
Omnichord 242
OP 3 298
OP 6 298
Opera 6 190
Opus 93
Orbit 328
Orbital 9
Orchestra / 2 190
Orchestra Machine 155
Orchestron 260, 290
Organ Expander 305
Organ Guitar 299
Organtua 51
Orion T 319
OSCar 45, 207
Oz 51
Ozni 73
P4700 Modular 49
P-61 243
P9700S 50
Panther 158
Paraphonic 123
Participator 155
PB13 298
PC-27 243
Penncrest 59
Perfourmer 296
Personal Duo 317
P-Five 239
PG-200 / -300 120
PH-16 297
Philicorda 59, 60
Photo-Theremin 280
Piano 5 298
Piano 7 299
Piano 85 299
Piano Forte 162
Piano Plus 11 99
Piano Plus 30 / 60 / 70 100
Piano PX / PX jr 191
Piano Quattro 191
Pianostar 320
Pianotron 158
Pianotronic 61 193
PK-701 58
PK-801 58
Planet 7 254
Planet-P / -S 117
PO-44 120
Pocket Theremin 279
Polivoks 290
Poly Sensor 58
Polyclavier 150
Polykobol 150
Polykobol II 151
Polysyntex 317
Polytone 77
Polytouch 38
Polyvox 198
Portable Sixty-One 243
Portachord 243
Prelude 162
Pre-Piano 87
Pro 5 264
Pro 73 328
Pro-8 165
Probe 146
Professional Piano 64 7
Programmer 24s 198
Project 100 198
Project 88 241
ProMars 121, 207
Pro-One 162, 208
Prophet-10 169
Prophet-5 165, 208
Prophet-600 171
Prophet-T8 172, 208
Prosynth 317
Proteus 1 52
Pro-tone 203
Psychtone 200
PT12 75
PT24 76
Pulse 307
Pulse Plus 308
Pulser M-55 198
Pulser M-65 / 75 / 85 199
Pulser MX-65 199
QMF 185
QP-88 264
Quad Modular Filter 185
Quartz Piano 264
Quintet 291
R.20 243
RAE Modular 94
Rainmaker 177
RCA 274
Recital 153
Red Fun Station 183
Red Square 63
Remote Prophet 169
Ring 243
Ritm-1 / -2 202
Riviera 306
RM-1 298
Rock-Si-Chord 91, 93
Roughrider 7
RS-09 122
RS-101 122
RS-202 123
RS-505 123
S/R-8 228
S-100F 265
S-100P 266
S-110F 266
S-60F 264
S-60P 265
S-900 225
SA-09 124
Saarang 75
SAM-16 196
Satellite 281
Saturn 09 124
SC-101P 192
SC-444P 192
SE-1, SE-1X 240
SE-6 241
Selective Inverter 228
Selector 262
SEM 28
Sequantizer 322
Series 11 149
Series 3000 256
SH-09 130, 207
SH-1 124
SH-1000 132, 207
SH-101 131, 207
SH-2 125, 207
SH-2000 133, 207
SH-3 / 3A 126
SH-5 127
SH-7 128, 207
Six Voice 29
Six-Trak 174
SK10 / 15 / 20 / 30 359
SK50D 360
SK-50D 208
Skerzo 202
SM-100 199
Solaris 202
Solette 196
Sound Synthesiser 72
Soundchaser 56
SoundPlus 99, 207
Space Bird 120
Spectrum 58
Sphaerophon 56
Spinet 153
Split 56
Split-Eight 175
SPV-355 134, 207
SS-30 360
Starwind 225
String Ensemble 197
String Machine 73
String Synthesizer 197
String Thing 306
String-Orchestra 320
Stringz 'n' Things 53
Student Piano 88
Studio 153
Studio System 500 257
Suitcase Novatron 233
Sunadamala 75
Super BassStation 8
Super Continental 301
Super Effecter 311
Super II 301
Super Jupiter 119
Super JX 113, 118
Super Quartet 116
Super Sound Synthesizer 311
Superpiano 205
SX-400 208, 267
SX-500 243
SY-1 208, 361
SY-1010 260
SY-2 208, 362
Sygnus 57
Symphony Concert 317
SYN 2 232
Synchanger 2 232
Syncussion 57
Syntar 59
Syntex 317
Synth Plus 10 / 60 100
Synthacon 228
Synthasystem 208, 229
Synthesizer 320
Synthesizer 09 130
Synti 1055 208, 281
Syntrack 257
Syrinx 208, 257
System 00 311
System 100 135, 207
System 1000 259
System 100M 137, 207
System 700 139, 207
T.550 / T550 233
T303 247
T77 267
Taalmala 75
Talentmaker 39
TB-303 140, 207
TB-3030 10
TB-3031 10
tbDAC 10
Teebee 247
Teischord 267, 309
Telstar 208, 310
TG-77 285
Theatre 153
Theremax 280
Thiring Piano 205
Thumpa-Thumpa Box 47
Thyratone 153
Tiracon 6V 294
Tom-1501 202
Tornado 53
Touch 38
Transcendent 2000 68
Transcendent DPX 69
Transcendent Polysynth 69
Transistor Organ 281
Tronichord 243
TSEM 263
Two Voice 29
UTS-1 etc 288
V305 304
Vagabond 6
Variophon 79
VC Filter Bank 259
VCF-1 10
Vedette 318
Veloci-Touch 53
Vermona 295
VF500 6
VK-09 143
VK-1 142
VK-6 142
VK-9 143
Vocoder Plus 144
Voice 400 194
Volks-Trautonium 269
Voyager One, Eight 35
Voyetra Eight 35
Voyetra One 38
VP-330 144
W1 T 319
Wave Organ 93
Waveform City 322
Wavemaker 4 314
Wavemaker 6 315
WCAU organ 64
Webbertron 233
Weltmeister TO 200 295
Wersi-Voice 320
Woggle Bug 323
WP-20 310
Xpander 29, 207
Xylette 88
YC-10, 20, 25D, etc 362
YC-45D 208, 364
Yunost 202
Zwarte Dozen Systeem 226"

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