MATRIXSYNTH: Dotcom studio-22 modular synthesizer quick test

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dotcom studio-22 modular synthesizer quick test

Published on Apr 16, 2013 Phil Tipping·47 videos

"Quick test with the new toy after soldering up first batch of multi-colour patch leads. What a joy to connect A to B with a real piece of wire; the VCO beating sounded like the monster was breathing; no menus or multi-function knobs to mask what's going on - welcome back to old-school.
Didn't expect Schaltwerk to work but connected the CV & Gate outputs and tweaked the CV trimpot and off it went.
Synth is a customised studio-22 system... b****y expensive import from the states to uk but as my mum used to say: 'you can't take it with you' :)"

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