MATRIXSYNTH: TRAX Retrowave Analogue Synthesizer Audio Demo

Friday, September 20, 2013

TRAX Retrowave Analogue Synthesizer Audio Demo

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Audio demo below.

"True analogue oscillators, filter, sample and hold, noise generator and VCA for authentic analogue sound.

1 x Logarithmic Voltage-Controlled Oscillator, with square, ramp, triangle and sine outputs, and PWM control of square wave. Square wave shape can be manually set to give pulse waveforms. The comprehensive range of frequency modulation sources includes 2 x LFO, Sample & Hold, ADSR contour, and external input. Switchable keyboard pitch range (normal, +1 octave and -1 octave), plus tuning control.

1 x 24dB/octave, 4-pole Lowpass Filter, log response. Plenty of modulation inputs including ADSR sweep (for the typical filter automatic "wah" effect each time a note is played), LFO 2 (for repeat wah, bubbling effects, etc.), Sample & Hold, MIDI Velocity and external input. Re-create all those classic synth filter effects, or discover new ones of your own. Self-oscillation feature means that the filter can be used as an extra playable oscillator if required. Switchable keyboard tracking feature.

2 x Triangle and Square Wave Low Frequency Oscillators, with frequency and wave shape controls (much like those on the Korg MS-10 and MS-20), for vibrato and extreme modulation effects. Adjustable to give ramp, sawtooth, and pulse outputs in addition to the triangle and square waves.

1 x Built-in MIDI to CV Unit, with 5V gate and velocity output, 1V/octave CV response (can also drive external analogue gear). Fully variable glide (portamento) control, giving mild to extreme swoops of pitch when playing the keyboard, or when receiving external MIDI note information.

1 x Sample & Hold, giving crazy, random note effects and unpredictable filter modulation!

1 x White Noise Generator, can be used to add edge to imitative sound like flutes and whistles, or for rain, surf, thunder effects etc.

1 x ADSR Envelope Generator, drives VCA and VCF, with HIGH and LOW range switch. Bright yellow LED monitor and bypass switch for easy set-up. Useful ADSR repeat feature, driven by LFO 1.

1 x Linear Voltage-Controlled Amplifier with built-in overdrive stage, for massive distortion effects - perfect for filthy solos and grungy basslines!

More info and demos -

Here a demo I made here (all done on the retrowave with only a slight amount of reverb added) -" [embed above]

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