MATRIXSYNTH: Technosaurus Microcon Analog Mini Mono Synth

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Technosaurus Microcon Analog Mini Mono Synth

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"Microcon is a CV/GATE mini analog monophonic synthesizer module
emulating the simple design and sound of classic Roland TB-303 and SH-101 synths.
They are made by Technosaurus, a Swiss company best known for their high-end Selector modular synths.
It is handmade using the same discrete circuits found in its bigger brothers.

The Microcon is a totally analog table-top synth module that's slightly smaller than the original TB-303. It has one main oscillator capable of either sawtooth or square waveforms,
just like the TB-303. The addition of a sub-oscillator is more like SH-101, which can help beef up your bass sounds.
The analog lowpass filter is switchable as either 2-pole (12dB/oct) or 4-pole (24dB/oct), which is better than the TB-303 or SH-101 offered.
The LFO can modulate the filter cutoff frequency with either triangle or square wave and the VCO can be modulated by square or triangle waves.
Simple attack and decay envelope controls and a Glide effect round out this fairly simple to use and highly affordable 303 clone.
it also possible to use filter section with external sounds into it.

The Microcon only uses CV and Gate for being controlled externally


Microcon has a lot of function into a small package,
so each jack has dual functions.

you need attention to select connecting cables especially for GATE input
manual says,The units should be used with stereo 1/8" cables unless you specifically want to disable the oscillator
but this doesn't work with all gear combinations.

if you use mono 1/8" cables to GATE input,insert the gate plug only halfway to get the unit to sound
or use insertion cable(1/8" stereo to dual 1/4" mono cable)

Here's a rundown of the connections:
CV Tip - pitch control voltage
CV Ring - filter control voltage
Gate Tip - gate
Gate Ring - short to ground to mute oscillator (this is what happens when you use a mono 1/8" cable)
Out Tip - audio output
Out Ring - filter input"

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