MATRIXSYNTH: RIP Bernard Parmegiani - Electronic & Acoustic Composer

Friday, November 22, 2013

RIP Bernard Parmegiani - Electronic & Acoustic Composer

Marc-Henri (aka RADIOKLOW) wrote in to let me know electronic acoustic composer Bernard Parmegiani has passed away at the age of 86.  He was mentioned here on MATRIXSYNTH a few times in the past.

The above image is from conceptoradio where you'll find a feature on him in Spanish. The following is some of the text translated to Googlish:

"Editions Mego is refocusing on the work of Bernard Parmegiani under his Recollection GRM series. reissued it "De Natura Sonorum" album first published in 1975 and probably one of the most important works of the French composer. This work consists of twelve movements, constituted in two series of six, combining analogue sounds with electronics, and is a true reflection of his studies at the Research Group Concrete Music (GRM) of Pierre Schaeffer. This work was also inspired by artists such as Aphex Twin or Autechre, since, as well quote the press release, 'has indelibly marked the classical period of electroacoustic music.'"

Bernard Parmegiani: De Natura Sonorum (1975)

Published on Jun 3, 2012 TheWelleszTheatre·1,789 videos

"Bernard Parmegiani (*1927): De Natura Sonorum (1975).
Création 3 Juin 1975, Paris.
Dédié a Michel Descombey et au Ballet Indépendiente de Mexico."

You can find a bio on Wikipedia here.

via Marc-Henri: "By a strange mystery of time, the INA-GRM has just released a few days ago a new version of his most important works in CD. Bernard Parmegiani was not so famous as Pierre Henry (still living and now around 85 years) but of the same artistic level in a very different style."

Parmegiani: "La Création du Monde" (Complete)

Published on Aug 29, 2012 NewMusicXX·836 videos

"Bernard Parmegiani: 'La Création du Monde' (1982-84) (Complete)
Lumière Noire (Black Light), Métamorphose du vide (Metamorphosis of the Void), Signe de vie (Sign of Life)

I have received many requests to post this work in its complete form, so here it is."

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