MATRIXSYNTH: Delta Music Research Polyphonic Modular System 1100 SN 003

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Delta Music Research Polyphonic Modular System 1100 SN 003

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Published on Feb 16, 2014 MarkJenkinsMusic·31 videos

via this auction


This is my fantastic Delta Music Research Studio System 1100 Polyphonic analog modular synthesiser. Built in Canada it's thought by ex-Moog technicians, there are very few of these systems in existence and this is Serial No. 003. It's probably the only one in the UK, though there are other users still in Canada and the USA.

The 1100 has all the advantages of an analog modular system and none of the disadvantages. Firstly although it appears modular, you don't have to install modules individually as they all share a large control panel circuit board, so there's no fiddly screw mounting system. In any case it's hard to see why you would ever want to change any modules when you have this great specification -

4 x Voltage Controlled Oscillators (switchable audio/LF)
4 x Voltage Controlled Envelopes
4 x Voltage Controlled Amplifiers
2 x Low Frequency Oscillators
2 x 4-channel mixers
2 x Voltage Controlled Filters
White/Pink Noise source
4 x Voltage Attenuators
6 x Multiples
Balanced Modulator
Inverter Summer
Voltage Controlled Flanger
Springline Reverb

Because the system has four of most modules and comes complete with a microprocessor controlled four-voice polyphonic keyboard, it's designed to play as a polyphonic analog synthesiser comparable to a polyphonic MiniMoog or an Oberheim 4-Voice. But mostly you'd use it in monophonic mode, and with the ability to modulate oscillators at audio frequencies and add voltage controlled flanging, it's capable of some incredible abstract sound textures. It's easily the equal of an EMS Synthi VCS3 in terms of being able to create and sustain its own evolving, clangourous and metallic sonic landscapes.

The system cabinet is 24.5 inches wide so this is a much more impressive object than the usual 19-inch systems. As such it would make an incredible centrepiece for an advanced analog or sound effects programming studio. Included also are the keyboard, box of patch cables, and 110V convertor for use in the UK (this powers both modules and keyboard).

Physical condition is very good. Some minor marks on the black tolex covering. One knob cap damaged but working (it may take you half an hour to spot which one).

For functionality refer to the YouTube demo where you will see and hear the oscillators, filters, LFO's, white noise, flanger, reverb, attenuators and others modules working, and this comprises the statement of the current working condition. I do not guarantee every one of the 250 or more controls and I can't demo the ADSR modules at the moment as I have no voltage trigger source for them. There may be some non-working options, or maybe I'm just not quite clear about the distinction between black (voltage) and white (audio) sources, and in fact I don't have much idea of the intended function of the AC/DC VCA's, the Balanced Modulator or the Inverter Summer. Some of the functions are simply not quite what you're used to - the two filters for example seem subtly different, though they are labelled the same.

I haven't been using the Power Amp (presumably a Headphone Amp) output as there's a spare output on the rear, but in the demo I simply take audio from any point in the system via an Attenuator as volume control.

The keyboard powers up and is assumed working but I'm not sure if I ever had a program cassette for it. There are PAiA user discussion groups easily accessible which will help you get the keyboard up and running, but I have always the synth with other control sources including MIDI controller keyboards with MIDI-to-CV interfaces, and aside from creating sound effects, this is much more likely how you would play the instrument.

In summary, the instrument is sold exactly as seen in the YouTube demo with no guarantee for every function. It is an advanced instrument absolutely not intended for beginners and not suitable for those who don't have some engineering and service backup available. As such no returns will be accepted.

Because of its size and value this instrument is intended for collection in London with cash payment. I'm very flexible about collection times and am based a couple of miles from the North Circular. You will not be able to collect on foot - the modular goes in any car boot, the keyboard (if you want it) on the back seat of any car. Parking is easy.

If you seem reputable there is a small chance I would sell and ship to you. I can crate the modular, just, but would probably decline to ship the keyboard which will be scrapped. You would pay by bank transfer and no other method. If you can not collect in London and pay cash, and expect shipping, please make contact at least two days before the listing end with your details. I will probably delete any bid which seems to require shipping to most non-UK countries."

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