Studio pics from readers of MATRIXSYNTH via the MATRIXSYNTH Lounge.
Facebook gallery where you can find follow-up comments for each here. Also keep an eye out for new studio pics there.
Featured in order:
1 & 2. Erwan Coïc
This is my studio !
3. Lorenzo D Metallan
This is my setup for a live recording few weeks ago
4. Stu Smith
Seeing as we're doing studio selfies here's my little corner of the world.
5. Phil Croker
And here's my little setup at Pooh Corner (so named 'cos of the wallpaper..) Please be kind, I know it's nowhere near as good as some of your rigs
6. Francesco Synth Meeting Mulassano
7. Jason Duerr
Location: Chicago
Results: http://belmontandclark.bandcamp.com/
8. Nick Morey
Most of my collection Betamaxx
9 & 10. Erik Chalmers
my place
11. Eric Vetterick
blurry ipad shot of my crap...
12. Steve Drakeem
13. Adam Gahan
Okay so i may as well join in. I don't have a huge setup but i try and make the most of what I've got. After all I'm only 19, I will most definitely acquire more gear as time progresses.
14. Gabriel Morley
15. Charles Mickaelstein
Same thing as Adam Gahan, I don't have a huge analog setup but I'm glad to have what I have
(plus some small synths, like monotrons, Casio VL-Tone, etc).
I do that kind of things with those :
16. Marco Vedder
My setup — at Club Tabu.
17. Marco Vedder
My setup
night lights
18 & 19. Jeremy Olson
20. Hani Debbache
21. Mark Milanovich
Jumping on the bandwagon. Couldn't fit all this in one shot.
It's a hell of a mess right now. More pics as I organize it more.
22. Matthew Willox
I'm a complete minimalist.
23. Ricardo Schnidrig
Acid House from Argentina !
24. Brandon McWhorter
Sure, why not? Here's 1/2 of my "mess" — with Roland TB-303 with Kenton CV Mod, Kawai R-100, Tom Oberheim SEM Pro, Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer, Roland RS-505, Roland SBX-10, Roland TR-808 with Kenton MIDI, Roland Jupiter 6 with Europa, Genoqs Octopus, Roland JP-8 Jupiter 8, John Bowen Solaris, Oberheim M-12 Matrix 12, Garfield Electronics MiniDoc, Oberheim OB-X 8 Voice, Oberheim OB-Xa 8 Voice, Roland JP-4 Jupiter 4, Roland PG-800, Oberheim OB-8 with MIDI, Roland Juno 106 with Kiwi106 and Roland SH-101 (Red).
25. Martin Ley
There you go ‘Synth sluts’ Me at the controls back in 1985
26. Huskypop Huskypopo
27. Michal Patulski
Wow, some of your collections are sick! This is my current setup and nothing is there in comparison ha ha.
28 & 29. Hideously Disfigured Hipsters
30. Thomas Götze
Wanna play a game?
31. Dmitri Sfc
32. Shawn Shirey
This is ground control to Major Tom...
33. Nicolas Guichard
How to choose?
34. Colin Johnson
Since everyone's doing one of these right now.. here my spot. just moved in last month.. so you'll have to tolerate the mess and.. also one picture came off instagram. oh well.
35. Fede Manfredi
This is my little studio, at last, in order!
36. Michael Dennis Raleigh
I guess if everyone's putting up their studios... Here's me and mine
37. Bjørn Viggo Andersen
And here is ours
38. Nicky Bendix
My little workspace - thank you for all your inspiring photos!
39. Gavin McCloy
My modest setup
40. Mike Bradberry
Joining the bandwagon.
41. David J Warman
42 & 43. Trevor Gavilan
44. Joshua Andrew Coburn
45. Max Sokoleski
My tiny dungeon studio
46 & 47. TB Aothree
48. Walter Coter
Many Thanks for all members
49. Mark Ireland
My minimal (but very usable) studio setup.
50. Walter Coter
51. Adrian Earnshaw
As everyone is sharing pictures of their studios, here's my humble setup.
52. Discretman Jeff
Ok, this is my my gaming room !
53. David J Warman
54. Yuuki Koide
my studio
55. Olivier Lebra
my "living studio"
56 & 57. Matthew Thomas 1:48pm Mar 23
When in Rome. Geoscience Studio, kind of set up in an awkwardly shaped room, hence two pictures.
58. Jon Adams
This is my studio while I'm confined to bed - missing my hardware - microbrutes +modular the most
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