MATRIXSYNTH: Ritual by Surachai

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Ritual by Surachai

Full write-up including the process of creating the release on TRASH_AUDIO.

"After several years of creating complex arrangements and aurally dense albums, I decided to simplify the tools and work with its impact on composition and sound. One of my favorite synthesizers is the semi-modular Cwejman S1 MKII and knew that it was complex enough to shape all the sounds I needed for an album. The Cwejman’s architecture is familiar to existing 3 oscillator systems but its semi-modular nature, filters, envelopes, and even distortion are completely unique. Although using only one sound source simplified the sound I believe Ritual is, frequency wise, the heaviest album I have made..."

via Surachai on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

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