MATRIXSYNTH: Eurorack Moog 914 Fixed Filter Bank Clone

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Eurorack Moog 914 Fixed Filter Bank Clone

via dingbre on

Moog 905 Reverb & Tuner Monitor in the rack as well.  Note the Steiner logos.  I'm assuming they are for looks.  The filter bank has the Analogue Realities logo.

Update via dingebre in the comments: "The typeface is not Moog'ish. It's in a muchh larger Steiner-Parker Synthasystem and I wanted the panel to fit in with the others I did. Nyle [Stiener] helped pick the type face for his modules to match the original typeface."

Some additional info in the comments below.


  1. that typeface is so wrong

    1. Hi eben. Yeah, the typeface is not Moog'ish. It's in a muchh larger Steiner-Parker Synthasystem and I wanted the panel to fit in with the others I did. Nyle helped pick the type face for his modules to match the original typeface.

  2. It's a prototype. I've re-done the panel. I also lost the input/output attenuators. The type face is to match that of the other modules in my Synthasystem. The additional logos are just for fun. The final panel will have my Analogue Realities logo for the effort I put into the PCB layout, panel design, and debugging the poor Norlin schematics which left out a few very key components :)


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