MATRIXSYNTH: Hidden Voices on the Breakaway Music Vocalizer 1000 Synthesizer Demo

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hidden Voices on the Breakaway Music Vocalizer 1000 Synthesizer Demo

Published on Aug 30, 2014 oberek92

This track appears to have been made on the Breakaway Music Vocalizer 1000 using some of it's hidden voices. According to LucyTuning:

"The Breakaway Vocalizer 1000 is a MIDI pitch-tracker, and sample player, which I had used for analysing dolphin vocalisations. Unfortunately it seems to have been marketed as a toy for karaoke fans. It is claimed to track and playback to the nearest 32nd of a semitone, and although it is now old technology, I find it fun, so here is what I have discovered about its hidden voices. (certainly not General Midi).

GM (program numbers) and sounds

Check it with your sequencer. These program numbers work with Music-X on Amiga (my old favourite) yet some sequencers may transpose the program numbers by one position: so that Piano is 0 and Rap Drum is 73 etc.

1 Piano
2 Elec. Guitar
3 Flute
4 Sax
5 Violin
6 Bells
7 Spirit
8 Electric Piano
9 Fuzz Guitar
10 Whistle
11 Trumpet
12 Cello
13 Marimba
14 Warp
15 Piano Strings
16 Electric Bass
17 Clarinet
18 Trombone
19 Bass
20 Steel Drums
21 Fusion
22 Organ
23 Slap Bass
24 Harmonica
25 Synth Brass
26 Synth Strings Delay
27 Synth Drums
28 Sara
29 Sine Wave
30 Kick
31 Snare
32 Low Snare
33 Syndrum Medium
34 Syn Wobble Board
35 Hi Hat
36 Crash Cymbal Ring
37 Crown Cymbal Ring
38 Congas
39 Rimshot
40 Static
41 Cowbell
42 Woodblock
43 Metal
44 Woodblock/Log
45 Metal
46 Digital Piano
47 New Age Synth
48 Synth Strings with Reverb
49 Bass Synth
50 Sax
51 Low Fuzz Synth
52 Organ/Clav Fuzz
53 Fretless Bass
54 Legend Synth
55 Horns
56 Synth Analogue
57 Synth after Arps
58 Voices
59 Chimes
60 Oboe
61 Fusion
62 Jewel
63 Rowdy Bass
64 Synth Sailing
65 Hammond Organ
66 L/A Synth
67 Rowdy GX-1
68 Honk/Rudie
69 Synth Bass
70 Tubular Bells
71 T-Bones
72 Rhodes
73 French Horns
74 Rap Drum"

Video Description:

"Expander midi externe. Bruit de fond notable. Peut etre utilise pour transformer la voix en hauteur de note et jouer un instrument choisi selectionné. Cartouche de rythmes enfichable coté gauche. Cartouches de sons disponibles (sous le casier des piles) Alimentation externe. Connexion Midi.
credit music:
Elizabeth - LucyTuned song - copyright 1990 - 2000 ASCAP Charles Lucy - (from the album Sampler - Mañana Mas)
credit photo:"


"Expander external twelve o'clock. Noise insubstantial. Can be used to convert the voice pitch and play a chosen instrument selected. Cartridge rhythms plug left side. Cartridges sounds available (under the battery compartment) External power supply. Connection noon.
Credit music:
Elizabeth - LucyTuned song - copyright 1990 - 2000 ASCAP Charles Lucy - (from the album Sampler - Mañana Mas)
photo credit:"

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