MATRIXSYNTH: Mothership Transmission: Basimilus Acid

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mothership Transmission: Basimilus Acid

Mothership Transmission: Basimilus Acid from Joseph Fraioli on Vimeo.

"trigger shifting using the delptronics triggerman and 4ms SCM as trigger sources with shifting modifications coming from the SSF propagate and 4ms SCM breakout.

slight changes to the parameters of these modules slowly change the shift of the patterns over longer periods. this is achieved by modulating the SSF propagates master delay modulation and enable inputs then outputting those triggers to the 4ms SCM to be further shifted using the SCM breakout and then fed into the 4MS RCD for additional triggering.

kick: blue lantern asteroid bd v4

snare: make noise mysteron modulated by the mod can quad lfo > Make Noise erbe verbe moded by an intellijel dixie.

hats: SSF quantum rainbow > Modcan Dual Delay. dual delay moded by an SSF ultra random analog.

acidy bass: Noise Engineering Basimilus Iteritas in bass mode >make noise MMG> mungo d0 with macro machines storage strip sequenced by the 4ms scm. pitch controlled by pressure points which is triggered by the 4ms SCM and pitch quantized by the intellijel upscale. modulation sources from a doepfer a147 and modcan quad lfo.

sparse melodic bass thing in first half: make noise DPO >Make Noise MMG > TipTop ZDSP with halls of Valhalla card. pitch sequencing by the TipTop z8000. modulations from a make noise maths channel and SSF ultra random analog.

end ambience: qu-bit nebulae > RT60. WMD SSM used as a mute. granulated sound source is a piano melody.

no computers or external hardware were used in this performance :)"

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