Monday, October 13, 2014

RIP Mark Bell of LFO

Some sad news in. It appears Mark Bell of LFO passed away this month due to complications after surgery.  Many of you will remember him from his classic acid house tracks back in the early days of warehouse raves. I remember their namesake track "LFO" as one of only a handful of stand out tracks you'd eagerly await to come on. He was part of the birth of a completely new genre of underground electronic music that would grow and influence nearly all genres of music; he influenced countless musicians both directly and indirectly.  Mark later worked with Bjork and produced Depeche Mode's Exciter.

Mark will be sorely missed.

Left: "Warp Records confirmed the passing of Mark Bell (Picture: Rex Features)" via METRO

Below: Gez Varley & Mark Bell in their studio back in the day via the Anafrog forum.  The image and excerpt appear to be from an interview that no longer appears to be online. Like many artists at the time he along with Gez of LFO embraced what gear was available and affordable and made pure magic with them.

"How did you and Gez Varley get together to form LFO, and what did you use in the way of equipment on your early recordings?

Gez and I met breakdancing in a shopping mall, then met again on a graphics and photography course, we had all the same records, same sense of humour...we used TR 808, TR 909, TR 727, Synthi, Casio FZ-10, System 100 and an Atari running Creator."

Below is TV spot on Warp records and the Sheffeild house scene starting with an interview with Gez and Mark Bell.  I'm curious what synth Gez holds up and calls out as their first.  I thought it might be a grey Yamaha CS01, but I'm not seeing knob section on the left.  The keyboard panned at the start of the video is an EMS Cricklewood.

LFO interview on TV and Warp Published on Aug 1, 2012 (previously featured here)

"Lfo Tv interview and a short story on Warp records and the northern Bleep scene . made at around the time of 1990 . feat gez varley and mark bell .."

Uploaded on Sep 29, 2008

Released 26 Jul 1990"

LFO was on of the tracks the changed everything.  RIP Mark Bell.

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