MATRIXSYNTH: George Harrison's Vintage LINNDRUM LM-2 Drum Machine Up for Auction?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

George Harrison's Vintage LINNDRUM LM-2 Drum Machine Up for Auction?

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via this auction

Pic of the inside below.

"All original, ledgendary vintage 1982 LinnDrum LM-2 Drum Machine in wonderful, like new condition! Unless you have a time machine to go back and buy one brand new in 1982, I guarantee you will not find one in better condition! Take a look at the pictures..even the hinges at the back etc...all like new :) It could pass as new-old stock!

It also has an amazing history as it was owned from new by George Harrison, yes that guy from the Beatles! :)

Fully serviced and operationally perfect, no bad buttons or scratchy pots etc. New Ni-Cad memory battery fitted. So all ready to go!

Comes with rare original manual, power lead, all original sounds, and in a custom-fitted full flightcase. The full package!

Latest 3.1 software fitted.

Sounds utterly incredible! Used on countless numbers of hit records and now coming back again in very a big way!"

1 comment:

  1. If this is for sale, I buy it and I pay good. Best Regards Magnus


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