MATRIXSYNTH: Simmons SDS 3 Analog Drum Brain and Pads

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Simmons SDS 3 Analog Drum Brain and Pads

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Simmons Drum Synthesizer SDS3 Demo Published on May 26, 2013 Mike Broers

"direct in, no effects."

via this auction

"Up for sale, the very rare Simmons SDS 3 analog drum brain complete with pads, cables, and manual. Considered by many to be the holy grail of analog drum synthesizers. It sounds rich, deep, punchy, weird, and fantastic. Here is a youtube demo of the actual unit for sale, where each voice/parameter is tweaked to show it works"

"Some minor issues:
The volume sliders are scratchy. The knobs are all smooth so this wasnt an issue for me.
I could not get the pads to trigger the unit, I'm not sure if this is user error, old cable or something else. The connectors to the pad are verified internally to be wired to the same solder pads that the mic input use, which is what I used when connecting this to drum machine outputs to trigger, so it is probably a non-issue. Using the mic inputs with a drum machine worked fine.
Cosmetically it is in great shape, just two areas in the wood on the front have worn down a little. One of four screws in the bottom of the unit is stripped so only 3 screws hold it together.
One other confusing feature seems to be the way input 1 can trigger input 2 if nothing is connected to input 2, and the same for 3 and 4 being tied together. I think this is a feature that can be managed easily but I'm not sure if its incorrect wiring."

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