MATRIXSYNTH: YYZ on a keytar - no further description is needed

Friday, December 05, 2014

YYZ on a keytar - no further description is needed

Published on Dec 2, 2014

"Welcome to another installment of ridiculousness!

Thanks for so many years of YouTube support. Despite my intergalactic adventures I am a real person in need of real support. Please visit for more information.

This film was masterfully cinematographied (blorg?) by one of my very best friends, an 8-year-old by the name of Jaxon Ventura. It doesn't matter that you don't know who that is; your kids will absolutely worship him sometime in the 2030s.

It's all OK.

You have no idea what is happening right now. It's weird when time travelers post shit on YouTube. Anyway, that's just going to have to be all right with everyone, and most especially Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart, who wrote one of my favorite all-time songs, "YYZ," which I've decided to sequence on an old Korg O1/W keyboard for nostalgic, shreducational purposes, and play along with it on one of my 1984 Roland Axis keytars controlling a Roland JD-800 synth. This is all happening at the Safehouse, which is an independent republic located in the heart of Connecticut and recognized (by at least five people) as a sovereign state known as "The Din." Its liege lords, the Royal Din, are what you would call "my band," and while we don't marinate in this kind of progressive wankadoo horseplay while playing live in front of anyone, we do on occasion do some pretty amazing musical feats together. It can be monitored on

Meanwhile, keep coming back to this YouTube channel for more feats of berzerking amusement, and of course for updates on my comic strip "The Packrat," which contains a lot of synthesizer references and other stuffs of nerdist delight.

Pants by Betabrand, shirt by Beloved.


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