MATRIXSYNTH: Werkstatt der Pfähler (Werkstatt the Impaler) by Laurentide SynthWorks

Monday, January 12, 2015

Werkstatt der Pfähler (Werkstatt the Impaler) by Laurentide SynthWorks

via Laurentide SynthWorks

"The Werkstatt der Pfähler (Werkstatt the Impaler) is a Moog Werkstatt-Ø1 that has been cut up and extensively modified. There is a huge beast inside these little synths that can only be accessed through modifying.

There are 2 versions available: Standard and Full. The Standard version is perfect for incorporating into an existing Eurorack modular system. Most of the header patch points have been brought to the rear of the unit to 3.5mm Jacks. Most importantly, the EG can be triggered by an external gate. This is not possible without modification.

The Full version takes the standard and brings it to a stand-alone powerhouse! In addition to the CV In’s and Out’s at the rear, buffers are added to all CV Out’s (these are circuits that keep critical voltages, like the raw VCO waveforms from sagging when used to drive external gear). The CV Out’s are wired to TRS jacks, giving a total of 8 individual outputs. A MIDI 2 CV (MINICV) converter is added to drive the VCO and EG. Additionally, the CV & Gate generated by the MIDI 2 CV is brought to 2 jacks, so when the Werkstatt is not in use, it can be used to drive other analog gear that does not have MIDI, but does have CV & Gate In’s. A mixer is added to give volume control over the Werkstatt VCO and External Audio. Additionally, the VCF is wired to the Audio In jack, so when nothing is plugged into the jack, the Audio In volume knob will send the VCF back into itself for some intense filter overdrive! A 2nd glide circuit is added in line with the VCO CV In. The Werkstatt Glide potentiometer is removed and replaced with a dual gang potentiometer. This way one knob can control both the Werkstatt glide and the external pitch glide. The VCO Wave selector switch is removed and a mixer circuit is added so the 2 waveforms can be continuously blended from one to the other. Lastly, there is a Fine Tune knob added.

Both mods come with high quality Lexan Overlays by SynthGraphics (similar to the ones used on production Moogs), and all mods are backed by a 1 year warranty.*"

Moog Werkstatts on eBay

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