MATRIXSYNTH: Novation bass station 2 Repair MF#52

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Novation bass station 2 Repair MF#52

Published on Aug 13, 2015 markusfuller

"Quick repair of the Novation Bass station 2 synth, Just a nice simple power jack re-solder."


  1. hi there,
    i'm happy to find this forum, so hope you could help.
    i was recently lent a novation bass station and found it worked well
    for my purpose, until mid way thru the night it just stopped responding
    to midi commands, after turning it off n on again, it re awoke, only to
    die again pretty quickly, when i asked the owner about it, he said oh,
    still doing that is it !
    any ideas for a fix ?
    can i send it anywhere as i live in spain?

  2. hi there,
    i'm happy to find this forum, so hope you can help.
    i was recently lent a novation bass station and found it worked well
    for my purpose, until mid way thru the night it just stopped responding
    to midi commands, after turning it off n on again, it re awoke, only to
    die again pretty quickly, when i asked the owner about it, he said oh,
    still doing that is it !
    any ideas for a fix ?
    can i send it anywhere as i live in spain?


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