MATRIXSYNTH: Synth Rorschach #39: Senator Palpatine's Office - Star Wars

Friday, October 16, 2015

Synth Rorschach #39: Senator Palpatine's Office - Star Wars

Been meaning to post this one literally for years... It's always when I'm watching one of the films and then I forget. :)

So, what design cues do you see here? Hint, the designer recently announced a new hardware synthesizer limited to two runs of 20.

The design cues are also in different scenes in the original Star Wars films. I always wondered if the designer picked up some of his design styles from the films.

Update: a few more design cues from the original films added below. Oh, and ignore the Oreos, although, the size of an Oreo is roughly the size of one of the knobs on the particular synth I thought of. :)


  1. I don't understand?
    The wording of the article has me rather confused, the odd picture with the (unexplained) Oreo cookies further adds to my befuddlement .

  2. Lol. Ignore the Oreos. I added a few more pics from the first film. What synth would be most at home in these scenes? This is what came to mind for me.

  3. The bottom screen is reminiscent of a different but what should be more obvious synth and brand.


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