MATRIXSYNTH: Future Retro 512 touch keyboard plays the EMS Putney, Minimoog Model D, EML 101, & Eurorack

Friday, June 03, 2016

Future Retro 512 touch keyboard plays the EMS Putney, Minimoog Model D, EML 101, & Eurorack

Published on Jun 3, 2016 FutureRetroSynths

"Just a quick video to show the Future Retro 512 can play the EMS Putney, Synthi, VCS3 just fine with their .32V/Oct CV standard. All you need to do to make this happen is route the 1/8" gate output of the 512 to the Gate In of the Putney's Keyboard-In cinch-jones connector, and the 1V/Oct CV out of the 512 to the Control In 1. You can then adjust the Control 1 level to scale this CV so the oscillators in the EMS track properly. Start with Control 1 level at "4" then play octaves to dial in the oscillator tracking.

Notice I could have routed the 512's mod wheel, velocity, or aftertouch to Control 2's input to add even more control over the EMS"

Future Retro 512 touch keyboard plays the Minimoog Model D

Published on Jun 3, 2016

"Quick test to show that the Future Retro 512 can play the older Moog synthesizers with their S-trig type gate inputs. For the 512 to control the S-trig synthesizers, you simply need a 1/8" to cinch-jones connector with a transistor and resistor wired into the cable. Simple to do, schematics can be found online."

Future Retro 512 touch keyboard plays the EML 101

Published on Jun 3, 2016

"Quick demo of the Future Retro 512 playing the EML 101 synthesizer. Although the EML does not follow the 1V/Oct CV standard you can trim the 512's CV output to conform to the EML CV standard, and have your oscillators track pitches correctly."

Future Retro 512 touch keyboard plays a Eurorack modular

Published on Jun 3, 2016

"Here's a quick video to show the Future Retro 512 keyboard can play all the various Eurorack modular gear as well.

Special thanks to Switched-On music store here in Austin for setting up this Doepfer system for us, and their time and space while we shot this video in their store."

Follow up to New Future Retro 512 Touch Keyboard Playing the Arp 2600 & Buchla Music Easel

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