MATRIXSYNTH: Futuresonus Parva analog poly-synth with LinnStrument demo

Friday, August 26, 2016

Futuresonus Parva analog poly-synth with LinnStrument demo

Published on Aug 26, 2016 Geert Bevin

"As a Kickstarter backer I've had the Parva for several months, but there were a few problems with the firmware that prevented me from fully using it. Today, Brad from Futuresonus released firmware update v0.51, fixing everything that was important to me.

So here is a demo video with LinnStrument. I've set it up so that the x-axis controls per-note pitch and the y-axis per-note filter cutoff, I'm not using the z-axis. The LinnStrument is connected directly to the Parva's USB MIDI host port, which also provides power. The audio is recorded through my Metric Halo ULN-8 audio interface without any sound processing besides normalisation.

The Parva has eight independent analog voices that can be configured in a multi with a dedicated MIDI channel for each voice. Each voice can play a different preset, but I'm using the same preset for all voices here to allow for per-note expression. In this multi, each MIDI channel is also sent to two voices, creating a unison sound, while still having full control over 4 independent notes.

I think it sounds pretty great!

Lossless 48kHz WAV file available through SoundCloud:"

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