MATRIXSYNTH: 30 Instruments and Innovations of Roland's Ikutaro Kakehashi on

Monday, April 03, 2017

30 Instruments and Innovations of Roland's Ikutaro Kakehashi on has a post up here featuring the top 30 instruments and innovations of Ikutaro Kakehashi.

"With the passing of Roland founder Ikutaro Kakehashi, the synthesizer world lost one of its greatest visionaries.

In celebration of Kakehashi and his lifetime of defining, and redefining, the term 'musical instrument,' we have assembled a list of his most influential products and technologies—items that have had the greatest impact on popular music over the last 50 years— from his early days as the leader of Ace Tone to his legacy as the founder of Roland.

1. Ace Tone Canary S-2 (1962) [pictured] One of Ace Tone’s earliest successes was the Canary S-2 Clavioline. Based on the original Clavioline designed by Constant Martin in 1947, its tube-based architecture was later replaced by transistors in the S-3 model (pictured above). An example of the Clavioline sound can be found in the solo from Del Shannon’s “Runaway” (which for hair-splitters was actually a heavily modified early-model Clavioline unit redubbed the Musitron)."

Click through above for the full list.

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