MATRIXSYNTH: 1975 Farfisa Syntorchestra (Home Version)

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

1975 Farfisa Syntorchestra (Home Version)

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Published on Jul 9, 2018 keyboard resource

via this auction

"Includes Owners Manual, Service Manual, 'Musical Registrations' booklet, sales receipt for the two booklets and corrections to the Service Manual sheet.

It produces unique sounds unlike most synths. The closest I've heard is the ARP Pro-Soloist/DGX. But, the Syntorchestra also has additional polyphonic voices which the Pro-Soloist lacks.

Polyphonic voices: Trombone, Trumpet, Piano, Viola
Monophonic voices: Tuba, Trombone, Trumpet, Baritone Sax, Alto Sax, Bass Flute, Flute, Piccolo, Violin

- Volume Poli
- Volume Mono
- Brilliance Poli
- Brilliance Mono
- Vibrato Speed
- Vibrato Mono on/off
- Vibrato Poli on/off
- Vibrato Delay on/off
- Soffiato (soft attack) amount
- Decay amount
- Portamento Timer (amount)
- Mono drop down none, 3rd, 5th, 6th knob
- Mono Pitch +/-
- Poli Cancel on/off
- Mono Cancel
- Portamento Constant on/off
- Portamento Temporary on while pressed down
- Mono Wha Wha on/off
- Soffiato or Decay selector

There is a separate output jack for Poli voices which is why they stated 'Stereo' on the front panel."

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