MATRIXSYNTH: Panoptigon plays Giant Steps & Yakety Sax on Orchestron Saxophone Discs

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Panoptigon plays Giant Steps & Yakety Sax on Orchestron Saxophone Discs

Published on Feb 12, 2019 optigandotcom

"Another Panoptigon demo- this time a a comparison of a vintage Orchestron Saxophone disc with our remastered edition of the same disc. The vintage disc plays a midi file of Coltrane's Giant Steps, while the remastered disc plays a midi file of Boots Randolph's Yakety Sax. The reverb is onboard the Panoptigon, and there's a bit more applied in Giant Steps. Note that Yakety Sax has a fair amount of pitch bends, which are achieved on the Panoptigon by mechanically changing the rotation speed of the disc. Also note the fair amount of clicky noises when playing rapid passages like this. These sounds are a by-product of the unique way the Panoptigon produces sound, and were present on the vintage Optigan and Orchestron as well. This is an inherent and characteristic sound of these instruments. Both midi files were downloaded from the web. You can find info about pre-ordering a Panoptigon (which comes with our remastered edition of this Vocal Choir disc) here:"

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