MATRIXSYNTH: Panoptigon plays Philip Glass - Einstein On The Beach - Orchestron & Optigan Discs

Friday, February 15, 2019

Panoptigon plays Philip Glass - Einstein On The Beach - Orchestron & Optigan Discs

Published on Feb 15, 2019 optigandotcom

"While Panoptigon isn't particularly suited to overdubbing entire arrangements with itself, we thought it'd be fun to do a quick excerpt from Philip Glass' Einstein On The Beach (Train 1), since all the basic sounds required already exist on Orchestron / Optigan discs. Heard here are the Orchestron Flute, Saxophone, Solo Female Voice, and Pipe Organ discs, as well as the organ sound from the Optigan Nashville Country disc. The Flute disc was pitch bent an octave up to simulate the piccolo called for in the score, and the bass line of the Pipe Organ disc was pitch bent an octave down to get the low notes needed. A bit of reverb was added to the mix, but there was no EQ or other processing applied. You can find info about pre-ordering a Panoptigon here:"

Oddly enough the following just went up:

Philip Glass on His Collaboration With Aphex Twin | Red Bull Music Academy

Published on Feb 15, 2019 Red Bull Music Academy

"The celebrated composer Philip Glass recalls meeting a young Richard D. James, AKA Aphex Twin, in New York City and collaborating with the producer on a handful of tracks and combining their unique approaches. #composition #aphextwin

Watch the full lecture - [below] - to hear Philip Glass wax nostalgic on his time spent in Paris, musical tradition, collaborations with Aphex Twin, David Byrne and Ornette Coleman and the art of performance.

It’s hard to overstate the influence of New York City composer Philip Glass. Along with Steve Reich, his minimalist compositions transformed the world of classical music and, eventually, popular music in general. Glass’ early epiphanies occurred in Paris during his time in the mid-’60s studying under Nadia Boulanger and in New York when he heard Steve Reich’s “Piano Phase.” These events helped set Glass on a course toward the repetitive, dramatic, and conceptually rigorous style that has become his trademark. Throughout the ’70s Glass refined his work, resulting in career-defining compositions like Music In Twelve Parts and Einstein On The Beach. In the process, he became a popular sensation, a serious composer who wasn’t willfully obscure or too difficult to understand. Glass’ stunning soundtrack work for films like The Thin Blue Line and The Hours, and a symphony based on David Bowie’s album Heroes, has only elevated his standing as one of America’s most popular living composers.

Red Bull Music Academy is the educational pillar of the Red Bull Music program. It is a global institution that for 20 years has been committed to fostering creativity in music by collaborating with those who are shaping our musical landscape and creating spaces for music makers to learn and immerse themselves."

And the full interview from 2015:

Philip Glass on Working with Aphex Twin, David Byrne and Koyaanisqatsi | Red Bull Music Academy

Published on Jul 22, 2015 Red Bull Music Academy

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